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Vows when going to Huong Pagoda is something you should prepare before going to Huong Pagoda. The Perfume Pagoda Festival is a big festival that attracts a lot of tourists to the festival. People come to Huong Pagoda with the desire to pray for peace, fortune and luck for the whole family. Below are the prayers when going to the incense pagoda Tip has compiled for your reference.

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  • Poems to pray for grace

Vows to Huong Pagoda

Perfume Pagoda Festival takes place in Huong Son commune, My Duc district, Hanoi. The sixth day of January is the opening of the festival. The festival usually lasts until the third week of the lunar month. On the occasion of the festival, millions of Buddhists and tourists from all over the world are excited to visit the Perfume Pagoda festival. Journey to a land of Buddha – where Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara is currently practicing, to offer him a prayer, a piece of incense, or release his soul to blend with nature in a mountainous area still imprinted with Buddha. . You can refer to some commonly used vows when going to Perfume Pagoda to respectfully pray and offer some small sacrifices to the gods.

1. Vows to Mother Thuong Ngan at Tran Song Temple, Perfume Pagoda

Namo Amitabha Buddha !

Namo Amitabha Buddha !

Namo Amitabha Buddha !

The incense from us wholeheartedly bows to the Lord Thuong Thousand peaks of the mountain dynasty of Muong Son Tinh, Princess Le Dai Mai Vuong Ngoc Ha.


– The Lord of the Thousand Lords My Nuong Que Hoa is the supreme and supreme princess, who governs eighty-one forest gates in the Nam Giao realm.

– Chu Tien, Chu Thanh, Chu Than, Eight sets of mountains, twelve Tien Nuong, Van Vo bodyguard, Holy girl Thanh u, Five tigers Bach snake general.

The son of the deceased is: ……………………………………………………….. ……………………..

With family, residing at: ……………………………………………………….. ……….

On the occasion of the Perfume Pagoda Festival – My Duc District – Hanoi City, we come to the .. join hands to pray. Praying for mercy, tolerance, virtue, filial piety, saving lives, so that we and our family can have the words of peace in the four seasons, eight periods of prosperity, prosperity, good fortune, good work, and peace of mind. bad luck, turning the bad into sand, changing the painting to the wall, just like the first wish, and the heart’s desire.

Open your heart sincerely, bow to witness.


2. Vows to Trinh Temple, Huong Pagoda

(Praying to Thanh Hoang at the Perfume Pagoda)

Namo Amitabha Buddha!

Namo Amitabha Buddha!

Namo Amitabha Buddha!

Homage: His Holiness the Great King Thanh Hoang

The brand name is: Hien Quang

Today at …………………….. ………………….. Perfume Pagoda – My Duc District – Hanoi City is the date:………. ……………..

Our trustee is: ……………………. …………………………..

In front of the God of the Gate of the Great Vuong Thanh Hoang, we respectfully think: God sends blessings everywhere, the four directions are blessed by his wisdom, the sacred air is clearly displayed, eternal majesty and majesty. Thank you God for help, so the ceremony is not forgotten.

Now, on the occasion of the Perfume Pagoda Festival, my disciples would like to respectfully defend betel nut wine, sticky rice with meat, and offer it to Buddha, Saints and Mother’s Day in Huong Tich area to pray for peace and blessings. I pray to the God of Christmas to receive the gifts. Praying for blessings, granting all good things, four seasons free from serious diseases, wishing them to be happy and full. Fire and smoke soldiers, not afraid of folklore, storms, floods, droughts do not raging in the village. Borrowing incense sticks to express your wishes, hope high intelligence will take care of your sincerity. Sincerely to the homeland, ask God to see through.

We invite again: The officials, left and right, support Duc Ton Than to join the order and invite Hau Tho Linh Than hybrid to enjoy.

Open your heart sincerely, bow to witness.

Vows to Huong Pagoda

3. Praying for the Three Jewels at the Perfume Pagoda

Namo Amitabha Buddha!

Namo Amitabha Buddha!

Namo Amitabha Buddha!

I would like to sincerely bow to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of the ten directions; the sages, the holy Sangha, the protector of the good deities, the celestial dragons and the eight sets.

Today at …… Perfume Pagoda, My Duc District, Hanoi City is the date:……….

My trustee is: ……………………………………………………….. ……………………..

With family, residing at: ……………………………………………………….. ……………………..

Sincerely offering silver offerings and status (If you write them on the offering tray) on the door of the ten directions, you will always stay in the Three Jewels.

We pay our respects.

– Amitabha Buddha is the master of the Western paradise.

– Shakyamuni Buddha is the master of the Sa Ba realm.

– Medicine Buddha Luu Ly is the master of the Eastern realm.

– Duc Thien Thu, Thien Forbearance, Five Hundred Hundred Hundred Hundred Hundredth Hundred Hundred Hundred Hundred Hundred Hundred-Hard-bearers, Duc Thien-shou, hunch-knowing Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara.

Dear Dharma Protectors, good deities, and bodhisattvas, I respectfully ask for your compassion, protection, and support for your children. May they be… (name, fame, fortune, term relief, peace…). I pray that you will accept the silver festival period, show your sincerity and witness to your child’s disaster, good things will come, bad things will disappear, prosperity will arise, family will be healthy, on under peace and prosperity.

We mortals make many mistakes. I pray to the Buddha, the Holy Compassionate One, to grant you (and your family’s) peace of mind from your accident, all good things, and all your wishes and desires.

Open your heart to bow to witness.


4. Vows to the Buddha at the Perfume Pagoda

Namo Amitabha Buddha!

Namo Amitabha Buddha!

Namo Amitabha Buddha!

– I bow to the nine directions of Heaven, to the Buddhas of the ten directions, to the Buddhas of the ten directions.

With the whole family sincerely in front of Dai Hung Bao Dien, at …………. light incense, sincerely bow:

Shakyamuni Buddha, Amitabha Buddha, Buddhas of the Ten directions, Unsurpassed Buddhadharma, Great Master Guan Yin, and the sage Saint Sangha.

Long-time disciple, Heavy Karma Deluded delusion.

Now come to the Buddha platform, Sincerely repent, Take an oath to avoid evil, Vow to do good deeds, Avoid looking forward to the Buddha’s grace, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva,

Saints and sages Sangha, Thien Long Eight Bodies, Protector Angels, Compassionate blessings.

May you bless us and the whole family with no troubles in the mind, no disease in the body, working happily every day according to the miraculous Buddha’s Dharma, so that our luck will be happy, forever imbued with the Buddha’s grace.

Dang asked to save the elders, parents, brothers, relatives, and all sentient beings to become Buddhas.

We bow sincerely, before the court of worship, bow to be protected and maintained.

Namo Amitabha Buddha!

Namo Amitabha Buddha!

Namo Amitabha Buddha!

5. Vows to Monsignor at Perfume Pagoda

Namo Amitabha Buddha!

Namo Amitabha Buddha!

Namo Amitabha Buddha!

Respectfully, Reverend Monsignor Tu Dat, Ten Eight Dragon Gods, Gia Lam Chan Te.

Today at …………. Perfume Pagoda, My Duc district, Hanoi city, day ………… month ………… year …………..

Child creditor is: …………………………………………………….

With family, residing at: …………………….…………..

In front of the Duc Ong Palace, sincerely pay respects, offer gifts, and pure money. We respectfully pay homage to Venerable Tu Dat Da Venerable from the heavens above. We respectfully submit to Mr. Gia Lam Chan Te, who governs the inner temple and the Saints in this temple scene:

We mortals make mistakes, in front of His Excellency’s palace, we sincerely ask for your forgiveness, protect us from doing good business in the year, eliminate diseases and disasters, enjoy fortune and luck. lucky. I pray that you accept worship, accept worship, accept calls, accept requests.

Open your heart sincerely, bow to witness.


6. Notes when going to Huong Pagoda

a. Offering offerings

Offering incense has become an indispensable ritual for any visitor from all over the world when coming to the Perfume Pagoda. Even if people come to “visit the Buddha” in a touristic style, people still offer incense with a little vegetarian ceremony like fruit to offer to Buddha and saints to worship in the Buddha hall.

People who practice religion often say “nothing is not spiritual”, that is, offering incense and worshiping without offerings is not sacred.

In fact, according to Buddhist teachings, sacred or unspiritual is not in the large or small, luxurious or lowly offering, but first of all in the heart of the person offering it. Therefore, offerings, especially offerings to Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and sages at the temple, are first of all with a sincere heart “Spirit is in the self, not spirit is in the self” is also the same. This is true with the Buddhist principle: “All things are created by mind” (all things are created by mind). Therefore, if the mind is pure, everything will be pure, the offerings will only become pure, and the prayers for the Way will only be effective when our mind is pure and effective.

However, people who practice their beliefs still feel uneasy and find it illegal to offer incense to the Buddha but lack offerings to the altar in the Buddha hall and other altars in the temple.

b. Place offerings, burn incense and perform rituals

According to custom, it is done at the altar of the Lord (Monsieur) first. Because the Lord or Monsignor is the ruler of all the affairs of the temple. First of all, it is necessary to burn incense at this altar in order to ask for permission to attend the ceremony at the main hall.
Next, place the ceremony on the incense altar in the main hall, light the lamp, burn incense, ring 3 bells (if it is available, just light an extra incense stick) and on crowded days, there is no need to do the ceremony. bells again) and then make offerings to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.

After finishing the ceremony in the main hall, go to burn incense at all other altars.

Finally, the ceremony is held at the ancestral church (the queen’s house).

One thing to note is that in the Buddha ceremony at the main hall there is usually a bowing ceremony.

If you are a pilgrim, you can make three, or five, or nine prostrations to the Buddha. If you know Buddhist mantras (such as Chuan Chuan De, Great Compassion, Ten Mantras), you can recite a few variables and then make a dedication vow. In the case of pilgrims making the most simple Buddhist ceremony, they can bow to the Buddha at the main hall 3 bows and then make a vow with a vow (if you don’t know it, you can hold a paper to read it).

c. Notes when shopping and offering offerings at the temple

To offer incense at pagodas, you should only buy vegetarian offerings such as: incense, fresh flowers, ripe fruits, products, sticky rice…

The preparation of the salty ceremony can only be accepted in the temple area where the saints and Mothers are worshiped. Salty offerings are only offered at the altar of Saints and Mothers, absolutely not in the area of ​​​​Buddha Palace (front), which is the main place of worship of the temple.

The salty ceremony (but usually as simple as chicken, pork rolls, spring rolls, wine, betel nut, etc.) is also often placed at the altar or maybe the shrine (if built separately) of Monsignor – the God who governs the whole thing. the work of a temple mentioned above.

At present, many people go to the temple to buy rituals and often buy votive paper and money from the underworld. It should be remembered that Buddhist teachings do not teach, even advise people not to place votive papers, money in the underworld…; that “burning votive paper, killing the birth certificate… because of that evil mind, the Buddha couldn’t help him”. “Killing living beings” said here is killing poultry, buffalo, cow, pig, chicken … to make offerings), even real money is not placed on the incense of the main hall.

If you go to the temple and put real money in the incense burner, put it on a plate or a fruit tray to worship the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas; This is a violation of the customary law of offering offerings at the main hall, losing the purity of worship of the shrine. If you intend to give real money, you should put money and merit gold in the “virtue boxes” located at temples, or meet the temple management or the monks and abbots at the temple to offer. Otherwise, just a fragrant card with a fresh and clean flower plate (or bouquet) is considered enough according to the customary law to enter the temple.

Fresh flowers for the Buddha ceremony are often chosen as lotuses, lilies, peonies, cyclamen … do not use mixed flowers, wild flowers, especially flowers for a long time, even more do not use flowers to worship.

Before the day of offering incense to the Buddha at the temple, people who practice religion need to fast in daily life such as: fasting, abstinence, not drinking alcohol, not saying biased things for others, not fighting. quarrel, quarrel, do not kill living beings…

Always keep in mind the good things for everyone, for the social community, for all sentient beings. People who come to the temple to practice their beliefs, the above things that the faithful can do before coming to the temple door are the most respectful offerings.

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