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Top 8 trường đào tạo ngành Quản trị du lịch tốt nhất

Responding to the speed of tourism development in Vietnam, many universities and colleges have added this specific profession to the curriculum. Let’s take a look at the Top 8 prestigious and best quality universities and colleges in the country today.

University of Commerce

University of Commerce is a multi-disciplinary, multi-disciplinary and autonomous high-quality university, one of the leading training institutions in the fields of Economic Management, Business Administration, Accounting, Finance – Banking. goods, tourism, e-commerce… in Vietnam.

Over the past 50 years, the Faculty of Hospitality – Tourism of the University of Commerce has trained more than 8,000 students and trainees, providing high quality human resources for the fields of tourism, restaurant – hotel, business. economy, … The graduates mostly have stable and well-developed tourism jobs. Along with the expansion of the training scale, the teaching staff of the school is constantly increasing in quantity as well as in quality.

Admission method:

  • Direct admission according to regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training
  • Combined admission: Combination of international foreign language certificate / ACT, SAT test certificate or First, Second, and Third prizes in the exam to select excellent students (high school level) at the provincial/municipal level or the award. Encouraged in the national exam to select excellent students with the results of the high school graduation exam in 2021 according to the selection combination corresponding to the field of application for admission.
  • Admission is based on the results of the high school graduation exam in 2021.


  • Address: 79 Ho Tung Mau Street, Mai Dich Ward, Cau Giay District, Hanoi
  • Phone number: 0243.8348.406
  • Website:
  • Fanpage:
University of Commerce
University of Commerce

University of Social Sciences and Humanities – Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City. Ho Chi Minh

As a key national training institution in tourism and travel service management, for more than 10 years of establishment and development, the Faculty of Tourism of the University of Social Sciences and Humanities (National University) Ho Chi Minh City) has achieved many achievements in the fields of training, scientific research and international cooperation. The training program is designed intensively with subjects in the field of tourism and complementary subjects, with a combination of theory and skill training to create opportunities for students to integrate well into the working environment. in the travel, hotel and events industry.

Admission method:

  • Direct admission according to regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training
  • Recruiting candidates who have the results of the competency assessment exam organized by VNU, international certificates A-level, SAT, ACT and international foreign language certificates
  • Admission according to the results of the high school graduation exam in 2021


  • Address: 10-12 Dinh Tien Hoang, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, City. Ho Chi Minh City
  • Phone number: 0862.155.299
  • Website:
  • Fanpage:
University of Social Sciences and Humanities - Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City.  Ho Chi Minh
University of Social Sciences and Humanities – Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City. Ho Chi Minh

National Economics University

Over 60 years of construction and development, National Economics University has always maintained its position as: One of the largest training and retraining centers for economic and business administration personnel in Vietnam. Up to now, National Economics University has trained many generations of regular, dynamic managers who are easy to adapt to the market economy and are able to absorb new technologies.

Faculty of Tourism & Hospitality has more than 20 years of establishment and development, is one of the first institutions to train in Economic Management and Tourism Business in Vietnam, authorized by the National Administration of Tourism to train in tourism. professional tourist guide. Many students of the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality of the school, upon graduation, become active officials in the tourism management industry as well as large tour and hotel companies.

Admission method:

  • Direct admission according to regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training
  • Combined admissions according to the school’s enrollment scheme
  • Admission is based on the results of the National High School Exam with 9 selection combinations including: A00, A01, B00, C03, C04, D01, D07, D09, D10


  • Address: 207 Giai Phong, Dong Tam, Hai Ba Trung District, Hanoi, Vietnam
  • Phone number:
  • Website:
  • Fanpage:
National Economics University
National Economics University

Vietnam CEO School of Business

Vietnam CEO School of Business outstanding with a team of lecturers who are successful entrepreneurs with the desire to put practical knowledge into teaching to train a generation of students with high self-control, creativity, ready to face all challenges in the industry. job. With the philosophy of “Body – Mind – Wisdom”, students are focused on training both intellectually, physically and how to balance life combined with a closed military model that ensures optimizing time to create value. for yourself.

The School of Tourism focuses on training four types of tourism right from the first year of study: spiritual tourism, eco-tourism, resort tourism, and cultural-historical tourism. With the mission of “creating future business owners”, CEO Vietnam Business School trains with the ultimate goal of students being able to start or operate a travel and tourism service business. The most special thing is that in 3 years of study, students majoring in Tourism Management of the school can experience in real life at 120 “hot” tourist destinations of the country.

Admission method:

  • Eligible candidates have graduated from high school
  • Considering the results of the entrance examination to assess the quality of the entrance exam organized by the CEO Vietnam School of Business: Round 1 – Test aspiration and understanding of the school’s curriculum; Round 2 – Face-to-face interview with a panel of judges who are entrepreneurs to check their qualities, goals, aspirations, and suitability for future careers.


  • Address: 136 Ta Thanh Oai Street, Thanh Tri, Hanoi – 143 Nguyen Ngoc Vu, Trung Hoa, Cau Giay, Hanoi
  • Phone number: 0976 77 66 22
  • Website:
  • Fanpage:
Vietnam CEO School of Business
Vietnam CEO School of Business

Hong Bang International University

Established since 1997, Hong Bang International University not only train and provide high-quality human resources for society, serving the process of industrialization and modernization of the country; but also to train a young generation comprehensively in terms of personality and health to meet the increasingly diverse needs of the integration period.

Tourism training industry is invested in Travel Office right at HIU building to help students familiarize themselves with management work, so that Hong Bang International University is considered as the unit with the best facilities in Vietnam. now. In addition, the school also provides practical experience tours to create opportunities for students to test their knowledge and update objective reality.

Admission method:

  • Reviewing High School Report Card Results
  • Considering the results of HIU’s ability assessment exam: Candidates choose to take the exam in 3 subjects according to the combination of examination subjects in the contested industry and achieve the entrance quality threshold according to the regulations of Hong Bang International University.
  • Admission according to the results of the high school graduation exam in 2021


Address: 215 Dien Bien Phu, Ward 15, Binh Thanh, HCMC

Phone number: 0938.69.2015 – 0964.239.172



Hong Bang International University
Hong Bang International University

Duy Tan University – Da Nang

Converted to a private model in 2015, Duy Tan University is the first and largest non-public university in the Central region with multi-level, multi-disciplinary and multi-field training. With the motto of “standing on the shoulders of giants” to elevate themselves, Duy Tan University has cooperated with prestigious universities in the US to transfer training programs: Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) ; University of Pennsylvania; University of California at Fullerton and Cal Poly University, San Luis Obispo (CSU – CalState). Not only using advanced textbooks transferred from the above prestigious universities, Duy Tan University also expands the model of international training combination and creates favorable conditions for students to study abroad.

The Tourism Department of Duy Tan University pays special attention to foreign languages, especially English, with a commitment that students graduate with a minimum of TOEIC 500 or IELTS or TOEFL equivalent. Because of the high specificity, purely as a service of the tourism industry, Duy Tan University always prioritizes the comprehensive development and positivity in the life and career of students.

Admission method:

  • Direct admission according to regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training
  • Reviewing High School Report Card Results
  • Admission according to the results of the high school graduation exam in 2021


  • Address: 254(182 old numbers) Nguyen Van Linh, Da Nang City
  • Phone number: 1900 966 900
  • Website:
  • Fanpage:
Duy Tan University - Da Nang
Duy Tan University – Da Nang

Thang Long University – Hanoi

Established in 1988, this is one of the first private higher education institutions established and developed in Vietnam. With the aim of providing students with the best learning environment, Thang Long University is designed in the model of a university urban complex, completely different from traditional schools. With the criterion of “3 Publicity”, Thang Long University ensures Financial Disclosure, Information Disclosure and Actual Training Quality Publicity to build a reputation in the Education field.

Tourism is one of the strengths of the school, with updated curriculum from Korea and a restaurant and hotel complex simulating 5-star standards so that students can practice the right experience when they graduate. Thang Long is rated as one of the best universities to study Tourism.

Admission method:

  • Review high school transcript results
  • Admission according to the results of the high school graduation exam in 2021
  • Combined admission according to the school’s project


  • Address: Nghiem Xuan Yem – Dai Kim – Hoang Mai – Hanoi
  • Phone number: 024 3858 7346
  • Website:
  • Fanpage:
Thang Long University - Hanoi
Thang Long University – Hanoi

Hoa Sen University – Ho Chi Minh City

Hoa Sen University is a prestigious international-class university in Asia, operating in the direction of application and incubating the quintessence of society. With the mission of training students with extensive knowledge and ability to create knowledge, with the aspiration to conquer, and with the necessary professional experience to start a business, Hoa Sen University upholds its core values ​​including: “Mind – Mind – Reach”.

The Tourism major at Hoa Sen University is designed with high practicality, with a team of experts and prestigious speakers who regularly teach and interact with students. Bringing the philosophy of “Comprehension and multiculturalism” into the tourism industry, Hoa Sen University’s training program includes 2 compulsory internships: cognitive internship and graduation internship, ensuring output quality. of students.

Admission method:

  • Review high school transcript results
  • Admission according to the results of the high school graduation exam in 2021
  • Examination of high school results in a combination of 3 subjects
  • Admission is based on specific conditions required by the industry


  • Address: 08 Nguyen Van Trang, Ben Thanh Ward, District 1, HCMC
  • Phone number: 024 3858 7346
  • Website:
  • Fanpage:
Hoa Sen University – Ho Chi Minh City
Hoa Sen University – Ho Chi Minh City

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