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Top 15 Sản phẩm nguy hại nhất bán ở cổng trường cần lưu ý con trẻ tránh xa

Recently, on the radio and mass media, there have been constant warnings about dirty foods, dangerous toys and even drugs appearing at school gates. However, that has not stopped for-profit businesses from continuing to operate, endangering students. Parents should be aware of hazards that can harm children outside the school gate.

Cheap pearl milk tea

The warning about dirty, unhygienic, and no clear origin bubble milk tea has been around for a long time, but milk tea is still selling well, simply because young people still have a great demand for it. this product.
At many elementary, middle, and high school gates, for only 10,000-15,000 VND, students have a cup of milk tea, fruit-flavored red tea, fruit jelly or colorful pearls. According to the investigation of the authorities, the reason why the price of a cup of tea is so cheap is because most of these shops do not use milk, tea or fruit, but only use coloring agents. flavor, plus fake tapioca pearls made from tapioca and chemical flour for crunch and eye-catching colour. This is constantly being warned, but it doesn’t seem to make any sense to the children.

Recently, the police and food safety inspection departments have inspected and suspended the production of many business establishments, even many with big brands like Feeling Tea… However, sidewalk milk tea continues to operate, the germs of poisoning and cancer are still creeping in the school world every day!

According to the Food Safety Department – Ministry of Health, the test results of pearl seed samples on the Hanoi market show that there are many pearl seed samples that do not contain maleic acid but contain additives exceeding the permissible threshold.

Snacks of unknown origin

Behind the fast-selling 1000-3000 dong snack packs outside the school gates are unexpected health hazards that carefree students are unaware of. The taste is spicy, sweet, easy to eat, and packaged snacks such as Kaka Tiger, Sticky Sticks, Smart Sticks… are very attractive to children, but they are very toxic.

Recently, the news that Sasa snack factory makes dirty snacks from Chinese flavorings has shocked many parents. Not to mention, in the snack contains a large amount of cooking oil, if eaten in excess, it will harm the kidneys, heart, blood pressure …

VTV1 has warned about cheap snacks and baby food of unknown origin!

Dirty apricot

The authorities recently discovered that in a ward in Ha Dong, Hanoi, the fruit before being made into apricot umbrellas is soaked in a black hole, dried on the ground, and stinks. In front of the school gates, the apricot umbrellas sold for sale are of unknown origin, without packaging or labels. After testing a few samples, we learned that these apricots have very high levels of carcinogens. And the sad thing is that they are the favorite food of the students!

Tuoi Tre newspaper infiltrated a dirty apricot processing facility in Hanoi. Are you sure, the umbrella sold in front of the school gate at a cheap price is not from this factory?

Sidewalk fried food

It is not difficult to see the scene after school, students huddled in large numbers next to trucks selling hot dogs, fried fish balls, fried beef balls… Attractive scent, price is only from 3000-10000 VND, Children can hardly refuse these attractive sidewalk dishes.
Often deep-fried in oil that is fried over and over again, these fried foods can cause many dangerous diseases for the body such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. Besides, the extremely cheap fried foods make us doubt about their origin. It is possible that their ingredients are made from poor quality fish and beef, even rotten, smelly… to puree.

Sidewalk fried foods are popular with many young people because of their convenience and convenience, but they contain a lot of toxins due to ingredients and processing methods.


With only 3,000 VND, students can easily buy packages of “spicy beef flavor” outside the school gate. To the eye, this piece of beef looks like a sponge cut marinated with colors, strong spices, sticky with grease. However, this cheap beef product is selling well because they are strange, easy to eat, easy to share with each other during school hours. Many personal sites have provided verification that this beef jerky sold outside the school gate is not safe, but these products are still available for sale.

Public opinion was stirred by the warning information about the type of beef that is said to be made of foam that was shared by a member on an online forum.

Stickers cause cancer, infertility

This is news that has just been released recently and caused a stir in public opinion. Although not food to put in the mouth, but these stickers (or cartoon stickers) from China pose a big danger to children’s health. Phthalates in the ingredients of these stickers have the potential to damage reproductive organs and cause cancer. Previously, these products were completely withdrawn from Norway due to concerns about the above reasons. Parents should check the origin of these products before letting their children play with them.

A recent report from the EU’s RAPEX warning system has warned that cartoon stickers for children originating from China are extremely dangerous.

Metal rings, rings

Attracting girls with their sparkles and eye-catching colors, these fake jewelry contains harmful chemicals and exceeds the legal limit of lead levels. Parents could not expect that jewelry that only comes into contact with the skin can affect health, even cause brain damage. Recently, the news that a girl’s fingers swelled when using jewelry of unknown origin made parents very worried.

Recently, parents are worried about the safety of their children when using toys, especially after the online community shared a photo of a little girl’s finger swollen from using jewelry. toys of unknown origin.

Cigarette-shaped candy

This candy originates from China, on the product packaging has a shelf life of 12 months but there is no manufacturing date. It is worth mentioning here that the candy is very cheap, with only 2,000 VND, students can have this candy box. The shape of the candy resembles a cigarette and its use is similar to that of a cigarette. The reason why students like it is because in addition to eating, it is also an ideal game.
In addition to the risk of harm to health, the use of this candy by teenagers can also create a bad premise for them to smoke later in life.

Originating from China, this candy is shaped like a regular cigarette.
Originating from China, this candy is shaped like a regular cigarette.
The students enjoyed the new game of pretend smoking.
The students enjoyed the new game of pretend smoking.

Spices, dirty chili sauce

One of the things we can’t control is spices, dirty chili sauce. Indispensable ingredients in street food, where do they come from?
Bottles of chili sauce without labels are most likely made in unsanitary or unlicensed facilities. Dirty chili sauces often contain a chemical called Rhodamine B, which when ingested will remain in internal organs, most notably in the liver and kidneys. It is necessary to remind children to be careful with chili and chili sauce sold in the store.

Colorful tea

After stressful studying, tea is a cooling dish that attracts many young people. In order to make tea more attractive to students, many tea shops have not hesitated to use food coloring for processing. But their consequences to children’s health are not small, medical experts have verified that chemical colors are harmful to users’ health.

Usually, just a small drop of dye, the color is satisfactory. However, if you run after profits, abuse dyes, use products that are not pure, are not allowed to be used in food, the risk of poisoning is very high.

For profit, many places have used dyes to produce colorful tea cups, increasing the attractiveness for diners, both children and adults, but easily causing poisoning and harmful to health.

Dirty stone

From coca, milk tea, tea to even filtered water…, the need to use more ice is inevitable, especially on hot days, or after exercise classes. But from that basic product, is it safe? The seemingly harmless cool stones will be the reservoir for a series of bacteria and microorganisms that cause disease for the user. Refreshments have sprung up around the school, can the authorities check the safety of ice?

Risk of infection from dirty ice.

Boiled corn with batteries, containing chemical sugar

In order to get the corn to last longer, more delicious, more fragrant, sweeter, many unscrupulous sellers are willing to add a certain amount of chemical sugar, even using batteries and match salt to boiled corn.
Experts said that boiling corn with batteries will lead to lead contamination of corn, causing intellectual impairment, dwarfism, poor learning ability, and thinking disorders for users. And match salt is only used in certain foods such as pork ribs to kill microorganisms in meat, but not for corn. Chemical sugar, whether in large or small amounts, will also be harmful to consumers’ health.

Put a few spoons of chemicals and a battery in the boiling pot, less than 2 hours after the whole corn will be cooked, fragrant, sweet and long without going rancid.
Put a few spoons of chemicals and a battery in the boiling pot, less than 2 hours after the whole corn will be cooked, fragrant, sweet and long without going rancid.

Oy grilled meat sandwiched with bread

The delicious barbecue skewers loved by the students always contain unpredictable dangers. In fact, besides the meat skewers carefully prepared by conscientious people, there are also people who care about the health of the eater for profit. Sellers often fan for the first time to re-meat, then there are customers to buy new fans again. Even with the price of 4000 VND a skewer full of meat, it is most likely pieces of rotten meat that is well seasoned. As a result, the students, who directly enjoy these dishes, have to bear the consequences.

There are people who, for the sake of profit, disregard the health of the eater.
There are people who, for the sake of profit, disregard the health of the eater.

Mixed rice paper is not hygienic

As a snack consisting of many ingredients such as: quail eggs, green mango, dried beef, beef liver, kumquat juice, laksa leaves, dried shrimp salt…, mixed rice paper attracts young people by its sour and spicy taste. strange mouth. However, there are many dangers from this seemingly nutritious and delicious dish. Rice paper does not meet the requirements of food hygiene and safety, is dried on the street, cannot eliminate helminths. The ingredients are also not sure to be cleaned, the origin is unknown, the risk of food poisoning is completely possible. Mixed rice paper is cold, not pasteurized, and restaurants are willing to reuse leftovers for a small profit. Not to mention, the take-away plastic bags, which are recycled plastics, are even more dangerous to the health of consumers, here are the future sprouts.

Rice paper does not meet the requirements of food hygiene and safety, is dried on the street, cannot eliminate helminths.
Rice paper does not meet the requirements of food hygiene and safety, is dried on the street, cannot eliminate helminths.

Paper stamp “tongue charm”

Public opinion is extremely worried about the appearance of paper stamps, also known as tongue charms, containing LSD, a powerful drug. As small as a stamp, just licking or placing it on the tongue for a few minutes can cause hallucinations for 12 hours. Users may imagine themselves as a superhero, or think of the things around them as monsters, may have uncontrolled actions such as jumping from a high floor or rushing into a train. Most dangerously, they are sold outside the school gates and easily accessible to middle and high school students.

Paper stamps, also known as tongue charms, are actually pieces of paper impregnated with the hallucinogen LSD, causing hallucinations, paranoia, and inciting user behavior.

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