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3. Parent Conference Process

The course of a parent-teacher conference is usually:

  • Stable organization, attendance takes about 15-20 minutes
  • Announcement of the school situation in the past time
    • The homeroom teacher informed about the situation, teaching and learning habits of the school and class in the past time, directions and plans in the coming time; direction, targets on academic performance and conduct of students. This “notification” part of the homeroom teacher usually takes about an hour.
  • The announcement of learning results
  • Notice section of revenues

The next part is to announce the school’s general regulations and other socialization fees, this part also takes about 30 minutes because the teacher still has to explain to the parents in detail the content of the fees. , especially those that are “voluntary” not in “hardware”.

At the end of each meeting, the homeroom teacher has to spend a certain amount of time to directly collect the money from the parents who have already brought it and are trying to pay it. With that much work content, the time period for the homeroom teacher to discuss the learning, training and cultivation situation of each student in order to coordinate with parents in taking appropriate educational measures is very limited.

Parents also do not have enough time to be able to present all their ideas and suggestions to coordinate and improve the quality of their children’s learning and training.

The situation that the meeting takes place only one way, that is, only the teacher communicates and the parents only listen to it is quite common. At some meetings, while the teacher is speaking, some parents are also talking privately, doing their own thing.

Sometimes, someone’s phone rings suddenly and parents voluntarily leave the room to answer the phone and smoke, which affects the necessary serious atmosphere of the meeting.

In the parent-teacher meeting at the beginning of the year, the issue that many parents care about is donations. In addition to the prescribed contributions, there are “software” revenues outside the regulations.

Currently, the situation of overcharging in some schools is being transformed and hidden in the form of socialization and “voluntary” of students’ parents. In theory, non-regulatory revenues must be agreed and highly agreed upon by the majority of parents and in a “voluntary” spirit. How much or how little to contribute depends on the circumstances of each student’s family.

However, in reality, many schools have “tear the fence” by implicitly setting the minimum “floor” that each student’s parent must contribute. When the homeroom teacher or the representative of the Parent Representative Board stands out to collect and announce the “floor levels” that need to be mobilized and contributed, some parents disagree but do not dare to show their attitude, do not dare to stand up. to voice objections.

Partly because they think that when the majority agrees, it doesn’t make sense for the minority to object, partly because they respect the homeroom teacher, fearing that their children will have difficulties in the learning process, so they have to “bite their teeth.” ” to “voluntarily” contribute to peace of mind. And so, the parent meeting becomes an occasion to legitimize “socialization” payments.

Many parents go to the meeting in the mood just to hear about the payment amounts and the time limit for payment. I hope the meeting will end soon to pay and then… leave. Here, the role of the organization representing the parents of students in parent meetings is still quite vague, not fully promoting its role.

The head of the representative committee is often suggested by the homeroom teacher, who is appointed, especially in the early grades, where the parents in the class often do not know each other.

Once “accepted”, the head of the parent representative committee will usually be on duty throughout the course. Those people are usually people who have “role” or have economic conditions, have the ability to speak and persuade.

Before each parent meeting, the parent representative will be invited by the school to a “closed meeting”. In this meeting, the school “mastered” the implementation of the prescribed amounts in general, and the “voluntary” payments in particular.

The head of the representative committee will be the “nucleus” of parent advocacy. The role of the head of the representative committee as a representative of the thoughts and aspirations of the parents, as well as a “bridge” with the homeroom teacher and the school, is generally still vague, and is viewed as a very low priority. light.

In the process of educating students, the family factor plays an important role. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the coordination between the school and the family through meetings, contact between students’ parents and school representatives, directly through the classroom teacher.

Through the parent-teacher meeting, parents can grasp the learning, training and cultivation situation of their children, thereby helping to promote strengths, correcting and overcoming weaknesses with the goal of the ultimate goal is “for the future of the children” as many parents say in parent conferences.

4. How to make parent conferences effective

  • However, in order for parent-teacher meetings to be really effective, it is necessary to improve the form of content presentation in the meetings towards focusing on discussing and discussing solutions to improve the quality. comprehensive education of students.
  • Other contents need to be reported quickly and neatly to avoid wasting time. After finishing each meeting, parents must fully understand the advantages and disadvantages of their children’s learning, training and cultivation.
  • In order to strengthen the relationship between homeroom teachers and students’ parents, should it be necessary to continue to maintain the form of using contact books as in the past, many schools still did.
  • This form can help parents manage their children’s learning, cultivation and training in each day, week, and month.
  • The representative board of parents and students also needs to change the way it operates. those who hold the position of head of the committee in classes must represent the thoughts and aspirations of other parents.
  • The role of the head of the parent-teacher committee needs to be clearly and practically demonstrated in parent-teacher meetings, especially when discussing and agreeing on “voluntary” contributions to advocate socialization of teachers. education in the right direction.

II. 12 Things to do to make parent meetings more interesting and less stressful

1. Basic things to prepare

Decorate the class neatly, clean but cheerfully, prepare tablecloths and vases, make a power point (if the class has a projector) and the word script carefully, memorize the ideas to be deployed. Should spend a lot of time talking about the curriculum, agreeing to note with parents about the rules as well as how to practice studying and living habits for students. Light makeup for fresh, friendly, close but distant. When talking about the curriculum, it is advisable to give some experiences, tips for training students, cite some specific lessons in the program and analyze for parents to understand.

2. Have students write a message to their parents

Sometimes, students have many messages to tell their parents, but are afraid to say them out loud for many reasons, including: busy parents do not have time to talk to their children, parents often scold and make their children worry. afraid not to share much,… Therefore, the teacher should turn the parent meeting into a bridge to help parents understand their child better by preparing 4 envelopes: Thank you, Sorry, Promise promise, wish. Teachers let students write messages to parents, then put them in each envelope, no need to write names, she will choose and read to parents during the meeting.

3. Table of good things

The teacher gave the students blue red purple yellow covers with the name: BOARD OF GOOD THINGS, for students to write their names and decorate them. Then, that cover will be delivered to each student in the class. The rest of the students have the duty to briefly write down the GOOD sides that they see in you (principle: don’t comment on your appearance, what you write later does not overlap with what you wrote first). Each student will be praised by all other students in the class. The teacher let the students read and record it, and the parent meeting replayed it to the parents.

4. Tips you SHOULD and DON’T do

Similar to number 2, but the content is to write on it the advice you SHOULD and SHOULD NOT do (actually pointing out your weaknesses but gently commenting). Teachers also distribute them to parents to read to understand their children. There have been cases where parents shared reading this to know that their children knew how to talk nonsense, but at home they were very good (because there was a friend in that sheet that said “you shouldn’t talk nonsense anymore”).

5. Have students write a report to the teacher and parents

The teacher asked the students to write a report to send to the teacher and their parents to present what they have done and failed to do during the school year, and set out a direction to strive. Continue to collect and send to parents.

6. Make a sample Summer Activity Plan

The teacher makes a template of ACTIVITIES PLAN FOR THE SUMMER, allowing students to fill in the content they intend and want to do during the summer in many aspects (studying, reading, playing sports, helping parents) , homecoming, etc.), write down the difficulties when implementing each content in the plan, the wishes of parents for support to implement that plan. Re-do and send parents to read and coordinate.

7. Show parents videos of school activities

During the meeting, teachers show parents videos of school activities, pictures and videos of class activities such as field trips, maybe parents have also participated and played together. tug of war, sack jumping…. with students, cheering, rolling, teachers replaying so parents can see how fun those activities are, they will surely enjoy .

8. Let parents state their feelings and thoughts

Teachers should spend a little time in the parent meeting at the end of the school year for parents to record their feelings, opinions, concerns, questions… Each parent is given an A4 sheet of paper with questions on it. Ask, give specific suggestions for parents to express easily. As a result, teachers can better understand and promptly respond to parents’ concerns and misunderstandings.

9. Make a plan to prepare for the parent meeting

To prepare for the upcoming meeting, a week before the meeting, the teacher should let the students record: the things that make them enjoy going to school, the difficulties encountered from the beginning of the school year (at home, at school, etc.) school), wishes and aspirations with parents, teachers, etc.. through which teachers synthesize and exchange with students and parents.

10. Parents’ opinion

Teachers can send each student to bring back a piece of paper to get parents’ opinions on a number of issues related to learning, school, puberty education, etc. and record, gather to have content to discuss in the upcoming meeting.

11. Teachers must know how to behave during parent conferences

During the meeting, you stand up for the meeting, when you listen to ideas, sit down to listen, specifically praise some typical students, criticize in general, some students still talk privately but don’t say specific names or students. Too late to meet parents to discuss privately.

When commenting on students, you should include cute and lovely examples in their class to create a close atmosphere. It’s a good idea to prepare in advance for some of the questions parents will ask in order to feel more confident.

Parents who want to teach the teacher wisely should interrupt: I thank you, I think your idea is good, I will meet you privately to learn more, and now let’s discuss the situation of the class. Say hello to me in the meeting!

12. For parents to “visit” the school

The classrooms have projectors available, teachers can project introductory images of the classrooms, function rooms, libraries, cafeterias, bedrooms, gardens, swimming pools…. of the school. If it is more elaborate, record videos where the teachers or students themselves are the guides introducing the school. Surely many parents will be delighted to be able to “visit” the school like that.

  • Minutes of parents meeting at the beginning of the year
  • Sample letter of invitation for the first parent meeting of the year

Here are 12 things to do to make parent meetings more enjoyable and less stressful. Surely through the article, readers have understood what needs to be done to make the parent meeting effective, right? Hopefully, through this article, readers will have more useful materials. Perhaps this article has partly helped you answer the original question. Good luck teachers!

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