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[HOT] Những Stt vui vẻ, hài hước về cuộc sống Gây Sốt triệu Like

These happy stt, Humor about life, love are “fun stories” to make life more interesting. Let’s collect funny, quality and meaningful stories to read every day, to laugh every day to forget all the troubles of life. The short funny stories, causing fever on facebook hope to help someone relieve stress every day.

Let’s read, share and laugh together with the funny stories that we have compiled and shared below. Lines happy stt Short but contains many values ​​​​of a life full of joy.

The funny and feverish short stories are now shared by many young people, attracting millions of likes. These happy stt In short, the “joyful statements” of young people are loved by many people today. Let’s spice up life more joyfully every day with these short and concise funny posts!

1. Start a business from scratch and build up a huge debt.

2. People wear hats to protect their brains, and those who don’t have brains… wear something to warm their scalps.

3. Life is so complicated, ginseng is less, bamboo roots are many.

4. Life is a pool of suffering through the end of a lifetime of suffering.

5. Eat rice and go to talk about the country.

6. Eat rice and talk about the country.

7. Eat tofu and talk about the government

8. We go back to our pond, even though it’s opaque, it’s still a pond.

Fun 1

9. Better to live a cowardly life than to die a fool

10. The absolute best is that everything is relative

11. If people have head lice, they should, but if they have lice, they should wash their hair.

12. Smart people have a lot to do every day. A fool every day only has three things to do: Eat, Sleep and Hack Viettel

13. The future of crying or laughing depends on the laziness of the past.

14. Being stupid but still acting dangerous

15. Fools are often dangerous, dangerous people are often stupid.

No. Fun

16. Man conquers the world with wisdom, woman conquers the world by conquering man.

17. The art of covering up incompetence also requires a lot of talent.

18. People have to give up all their petty wisdom to be able to have great wisdom.

19. Bad letters are a sign of genius.

20. Learn to bathe with soap.

Top stt funny funny reading can’t help but laugh

The lines of funny stories about life and love help dispel the frustrations and worries of daily life. The shocking stories are shared by young people on facebook, reading can’t help but laugh. You just try to read it and see, after reading it, you will laugh like a baby.

Maybe you are interested:

21. A fact that needs to be recognized is that… students always like to be absent from school….but when they take a break, no one wants to take a break….

22. Love always brings us to good things, thinking beyond mediocrity and reaching out to bad thoughts…

23. Just enough friends
But don’t leave the whole barrel,
And then fall into a dead end
At the last minute, it just went to worship.

24. Labor is glorious because the future will be good…but the way to glory is so far away…it is better to stand and create a place to look up.

Fun 3

25. To be a respectable man….you have to love a girl for a long time…not love many girls….

26. The first ghost, the second ghost….the third one is a woman.

27. A hundred times, a thousand times I say, it’s not as good as your smoke @, SH

28. Good friends are helped when they see a fall, but not when they see death, they come to light incense.

29. Thousand pieces of advice are not equal to the encouragement of your girlfriend.

30. Women like to buy beautiful clothes for boys to see… boys like to see pretty girls without clothes.

31. The most effective method of contraception is to say “NO” to…

32. The best way to be a trustee is to make no promises.

No. Fun 14

33. According to light theory: light always precedes sound… and we find people smarter before hearing them speak.

34. Not every woman is beautiful… and not everyone who is beautiful is a woman

35. Difference between friendship and love:
Friendship: winter is fun
Love: three is enough to disband

36. I just follow the long-legged girls
I’m fine
My legs are short… I walk slowly… to wait for someone who truly loves me

37. Forever love one person. This disease is ten times worse than cancer

38. North of the ladder to ask God:
When will I find someone to love?
With a smirk he said one thing:
In mid-June one afternoon it snowed

No. Fun 15

39. The pinnacle of revenge is… Forgiveness
The pinnacle of contempt is… Silence
The pinnacle of selfishness is… Falling in love
The pinnacle of freedom is… Eh

40. Behind a successful man is a sitting woman.
Behind a failed man is a foolish woman.
To love is to speak, just as to be hungry is to eat

A series of funny stories about happy love received million Likes

Love carries many emotions and its own romance. A series of funny stories about love for girls and boys, hoping to help couples’ love lives more complete and happier. Funny stories about love, the more you read, the happier you are, the more you read, the more you laugh.

No. Fun 10

41. Love is eternal. And only one thing is allowed to change. That’s the lover.

42. When I was a kid, I thought I would take a bath if I was naked
Growing up, I learned that I don’t just take a bath to get naked.

43. Being online is a must avai
I wish I turned into a melon
Let me take you in when I take a selfie.

44. A man’s life has 3 pleasures:
1- Get married. 2- Being abandoned by his wife. 3- Get married again.

45. The lights in everyone’s house are on. Whose wife, that guy… bored”

46. ​​If that day doesn’t come to me, I won’t see you
Now he is rich.

47. Women are like roads,
The more curvy the road, the more dangerous it is!

No. Fun 11

48. “Love is like a glass rose, brilliant and shimmering but fragile and fragile. Because it’s fragile, most people often equip it a lot… in case it breaks, there’s still something to replace it.”

49. “I can resist everything…except temptation”

50. I’m healthy, I’m beautiful, I’m not civilized
Who criticizes him, he despises the whole ward
You are so cute and precious
Who criticizes him, he is similar to his mouth.

51. Love comes and goes but illness, children and debt will stay…

52. He is handsome, gallant, very suitable for pregnant and lactating women.

53. I’m a wave, but please don’t be like a wave… I’ve rushed in, please don’t go back to sea

54. Sometimes on the busy road of life. I accidentally forgot to pull the perm-tuya !
I’m leaving tomorrow, oh my god please don’t come back…

55. My heart only opens twice
Pick him and kicked him in.

56. When I’m with you, I’m so peaceful
Away from you, I feel strange but also quite peaceful.

57. God is so unfair:
Create a daughter to be a son.
But make me a son to make a girl happy.

No. Happy 13

58. Love each other in the light…but fuck each other in the dark!…Lol….

59. If you were a pack of opium, I’d be the first one
If you’re a madhouse, I’ll be a madman forever.

60. Smoking is not cool, smoking is to defecate.

Top funny stories about life that make you love life more

“One smile is equal to ten tonics” instead of sadness, why are we not happy, not smiling. Let’s laugh with the top funny stories about today’s feverish life to forget the troubles and worries of this daily life. And don’t forget to share these happy stories about life.

No. Fun 8

61. Don’t be sad because you think you’re ugly, always believe that there is a hidden beauty in you that the more you find it, the more hidden it becomes.

62. Life is unfair, so the hair is never straight
Life is never equal, so don’t try to straighten the hair.

63 In life money is not everything, but a lot of gold and diamonds too.

64 Happiness is having someone to understand, someone to love you, and someone to make you happy. But pay attention never let those 3 meet each other.

65 The natural ability of the neurotic is to inhibit the intelligent.

66 Posted after the man who committed adultery, was a woman who sat in wait.

67 Behind him, a failed man, is a foolish woman
Posted after the foolish woman is a very powerful 3rd person.

68 Never give up on your dreams. Turn off the alarm and go back to sleep.

No. Fun 9

69 One day as a monk, you can’t achieve righteous results, but one day of being stupid can realize many consequences.

70 A minute of impulsiveness is a life of impulsiveness.

71 Help others when they are in trouble, and they will remember you when they are in trouble again ^^

72 According to folklore and the latest research of psychics, at 12 o’clock at night, if a black cat walks past you, it means it is going somewhere.

73 Faith is a force that can make the impossible possible.

74 People may forget what you say, but what you leave in their hearts never fades.

75 It’s easy to regret something we’ve lost, but it’s hard to recognize and appreciate what we have…

76 Look at the world around you to see that you are still very happy compared to the suffering that other people are suffering.

No. Happy 12

77 Life is never a real deadlock or a concept of losing everything as long as you have faith.

78 In life, where there is a winner, there is a loser. But the person who knows how to sacrifice for others is always the winner.

79 Don’t believe in yourself – you’ve already failed half way before you even started.

80 Sharing and love is the most precious thing in the world.

Funny sentences about friendship for each other

Friendship is a precious feeling in this life. And funny stories about friendship are just as precious, read them together and give your friends funny stories about friendship, so that friendship will last forever. Funny stories about friendship, only friends can understand each other.

No. Fun 5

81. Friends
I love you with me
Although they are in different classes, they share the same topic
You let me copy it
Or tomorrow I will blacken your face

82. There’s no better place to go around the world than a goddamn best friend.

83. If it’s you, please be friends forever, don’t be like a river when it’s dry and sometimes full

Wear the river when it’s dry and when it’s full. Everyone’s network will keep friends for later =)

84. True from you..
Is not adding negative words..
And don’t shoot bullets in the back.

85. A best friend is someone who doesn’t discriminate between rich and poor, beautiful or ugly, the one who always tells me straight but never flatters or deceives, and the one who always smiles… grinning when I fall.

86. Studying means spending 10% of your time studying and the other 90% complaining to your best friend how miserable you are.

87. Just enough friends
But don’t leave the whole barrel,
And then fall into a dead end
At the last minute, it just went to worship.

No. Fun 6

88. We will be friends forever because we know so much about each other that we don’t dare to provoke each other

89. Parents worked hard to raise us..
Friends playing “bad” make us wise.

90. Friendship, like love, is destroyed by prolonged absence, though it can be made stronger by short, temporary separations.

91. One enemy is not few, one hundred friends is not many.

92. You know it’s your best friend because it’s the one who understands what you want even when you mumble some damn language

93. A friend’s criticism is better than the adversary’s flattery.

94. If you smile, you have friends, if you frown, you have wrinkles.

95. A day for hard work, an hour for sports, a life spent with friends is too short.

96. I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I will be when I’m with you.

97. A best friend is someone who doesn’t compliment you even if he beats you to death, but he always talks well about you behind your back to others.

No. Fun 4

98. Being too ugly to your enemies and being less kind to your friends are equally dangerous.

99. When we meet: Normal friend: Hello, it’s been a long time, hasn’t it

Best friend and soulmate: Hey, you’re not dead yet

100. A best friend is someone who doesn’t compliment you even if they beat you to death but always speaks well of you in front of others

A selection of fun, humorous stories that will hopefully be a spice for life to make life more fun to forget the fatigue and sadness in life. Funny stories about life and love help relieve stress after a hard working day. Let’s share on our facebook wall these brief but meaningful stories.

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