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Giao thừa là gì? Giao thừa năm 2022 ngày nào?

What is New Year’s Eve? On what date is New Year’s Eve 2022? What is New Year’s Eve in English? In the summary below, Tip will help you answer questions about New Year’s Eve time transitioning from the old year to the new year, customs you need to do and should avoid for a lucky, smooth, auspicious 2022. We invite you to follow the article.

How to prepare the New Year’s Eve tray

What does the New Year’s Eve ceremony include?

Why celebrate New Year’s Eve outdoors?

1. What is New Year’s Eve? New Year’s Eve Traditional Customs

New Year’s Eve is a word for December 31, the last day of the old year. This is the day immediately before the new year, considered one of the important holidays, marking the end of an old year.

New Year’s Eve is the moment of transition from the old year to the new year – an important time, when heaven and earth harmonize, yin and yang blend so that all things glow with new life.

On this occasion, many Western and Eastern countries often organize fireworks or other festivals to end the old year (year-end) and welcome the new year at the right time at 0:00 on the 1st day of the month. first.

2. What is English New Year’s Eve?

New Year’s Eve is a sacred time and many of you will want to translate the meaning of the word New Year’s Eve into English along with meaningful English wishes.

What is New Year’s Eve in English?

New Year’s Eve in English is “Eve”

New Year’s Eve = New year’s eve

New Year’s Eve is the transition time between the last day of the old year and the first day of the new year. This is one of the important ceremonies in the customs and cultures of many ethnic groups.

According to Dao Duy Anh’s “Simplified Sino-Vietnamese Dictionary”, “New Year’s Eve” (Chinese: 交承) means “The old hand over, the new takes over – When the old year passes, the new year comes”.

3. New Year’s Eve 2022 on what date?

New Year’s Eve of the New Year of the Ox will take place on Monday, January 31, 2022 of the solar calendar.

Lunar calendar: December 29, 2021 The Day of the Monkey, the month of the New Ox, the year of the New Ox

Hanh Thuy – Sao Tat – Truc Dang – The Day of Death of the Zodiac

Air secretion: Korea (From January 20 to February 3)

4. New Year’s Eve in 2022 solar calendar

New Year’s Eve is a word for December 31, the last day of the old year.

According to the Roman Catholic liturgical calendar, December 31 is the feast day of Pope Sylvester (in Latin, Sylvester) who died on this day in 335, so in many western countries, December 31 or New Year’s Eve is also known as New Year’s Eve. Saint Sylvester or Silvester day.

The song “Auld Lang Syne” is traditionally sung at New Year’s Eve in Scotland and around the world, especially in English-speaking countries.

New Year’s Eve 2022 falls on Friday, December 31, 2021.

Lunar calendar: November 28, 2021 means the day of the Ox, the month of the Rat, the year of the New Ox

Jupiter – Long Star – Truc Tru – Bao Quang Zodiac Day

Air secretion: Winter Solstice (December 21 to January 4)

5. New Year’s Eve 2022 Lunar Calendar

Traditionally, Lunar New Year is believed to be the time of transition of the old year to the new year.

The night of the dead, also known as the thirtieth night, is the period before midnight, the New Year’s Eve moment between the new year and the old year. The death night is the most sacred time of the year when families gather, prepare to welcome the new year with good things to come and say goodbye to the old year.

6. Meaning of New Year’s Eve

The New Year’s Eve ceremony, also known as the exodus ceremony, is performed at the time of communication between the old and new years. The ceremony is usually conducted at Chinh Ty hour, which is exactly 12 o’clock at night on December 30.

According to folk beliefs at the time of New Year’s Eve, the ceremony is usually celebrated both indoors and outdoors.

The meaning of this festival is to put away all the bad things of the past year to welcome the good things of the coming new year. The exorcism ceremony is also a ceremony to “exterminate demons”, hence the word “exorcism”.

This is the most sacred time of the year when families gather, prepare to welcome the new year with good things, good luck will come and bid farewell to the old year with past misfortunes.

The night of the death of the dead is the last night of the year that is very dark, so there is a saying that “it is as dark as the night of the thirtieth”, but midnight is the time of light. Therefore, the night of death is considered a time of rest, getting rid of worries, a night of silence and spirituality.

Learn about New Year's Eve

7. Traditional customs on New Year’s Eve of Vietnamese families

7.1 New Year’s Eve offerings

On New Year’s Eve, every family has to do New Year’s Eve offerings. The New Year’s Eve ceremony is offered at the right time at 00 o’clock on January 1 of the year. According to the custom of the Vietnamese people since ancient times, the New Year’s Eve offering table is divided into two trays: a tray of offerings to ancestors at the altar in the house and a tray of offerings to heaven and earth in the front yard.

Homeowners make offerings to wish for a good new year by lighting incense from the open air, then making a vow and lighting it inside the house to bring good luck. In this ceremony at home, people refer to the merits of heaven and earth, ancestors, apologize to parents, make peace with each other, vent bad things and promise good things will be done.

The meaning of this festival is to get rid of all the old bad things of the past year to welcome the new and good things of the coming new year. In the past, people worshiped New Year’s Eve in the communal house, and Mr. Tien only or Thu Tu stood as the leader of the ceremony, but people also worshiped New Year’s Eve in the village.

Today, families often worship New Year’s Eve with the same reverence as before, but the altar is simpler with a small table and tray of offerings, sometimes the offering is placed on a stool. Incense lit is plugged into a glass full of rice or into a small jar to keep the incense. There are many families who burn incense and put it right on the ceremony tray, or plug it into banana slots to use as offerings.

  • Outdoor New Year’s Eve worship
  • New Year’s Eve vows in the house

7.2 Going to pagodas, communal houses, temples

After worshiping New Year’s Eve at home, people pull together to worship at communal houses, pagodas, temples, and shrines to pray for good fortune, pray for good luck, and ask God and Buddha to bless themselves and their families in the new year. On this occasion, people often ask for the first card of the year.

Going to pagodas, communal houses, and temples on New Year's Eve

7.3 Choose the direction of departure

On the first time out of the house, usually when going to church, people choose the time and direction of departure according to the year of age and go in the right direction at the right time for good luck all year round. Today, people still go to Mass but few choose the time and direction as before.

7.4 Lucky draw

After going to communal houses, pagodas, temples, and shrines, people have the custom of picking in front of the communal house and temple door a tree branch called a bud, which means “getting fortune” from Heaven and Earth, bestowed by God and Buddha. This twig is brought back and planted in front of the altar until it withers.

7.5 Perfume

Instead of picking a tree branch after going to the ceremony, many people ask for it at temples and shrines by burning a handful of incense or a large incense tree, standing in front of the altar, and then carrying that incense and planting it in a vase. incense altar of ancestors or altar of Tho Cong at home. The fire symbolizes prosperity. Bringing fire from places of worship, that is, asking the Holy Buddha to bless you for prosperity all year round.

While bringing incense back from the place of worship, sometimes when encountering the wind, the incense catches on fire. It is believed to be a good omen foretelling good luck all year round. Usually people doing business or asking for incense at places of worship.

7.6 House steaming

Usually, after offering New Year’s Eve at home, the new owner goes to the temple. For families who want to break into the house by themselves, people often choose an easy-going person, suitable for their age, to leave at the wrong time, then when the death ceremony comes, they will attend the ceremony at the temple or in the village, then ask for incense or pick buds. When returning to the new year, this person will break into the house for his family, bringing home good things all year round.

For other families, one must ask a good old friend to come to the house early on the first day of the New Year to break into the house, before guests come to wish the New Year, so that this person can bring good luck to the family. family.

7.7 Buy New Year’s Eve salt

The old saying “buy salt at the beginning of the year, buy lime at the end of the year” is a traditional custom that has been maintained since ancient times. Salt not only has the meaning of warding off evil spirits and bad luck, but they also mean showing the emotional attachment of family relationships, healthy and harmonious children.

Therefore, after New Year’s Eve, people often buy small bags of salt to bring home with the meaning of warding off evil spirits, bad luck, and a favorable start to the new year.

7.8 Happy New Year

The moment entering the first moments of the new year is when people give each other meaningful wishes for a new year full of harmony, luck, happiness and success.

Refer: Good and meaningful New Year wishes 2022

8. New Year’s Eve offerings

Preparations for New Year's Eve offerings

  • Boiled rooster
  • Chung cake (you can’t have it in the south)
  • Sticky rice (gac)
  • Fruit (banana, tangerine…)
  • Candles
  • Vodafone (go to a votive shop to ask for a sacrifice or a New Year’s Eve offering)
  • Betel nut (can’t have it)
  • Wine/tea (wine first then tea)
  • A flying hat bought from a shop, is a hat to sacrifice to the deity.
  • Incense lamp.

9. Why is there the custom of offering incense to worship outdoors at New Year’s Eve?

According to “Traditional Nom Vocational Literature”, the old custom believes that each year there is a ruler who takes care of human affairs. At the end of the year, this god hands over the work to the other god, so people hold sacrifices to see off the old god and welcome the new god.

The time of handing over the work between the two Executives and the Judges (helping the Executives) took place very urgently. Moreover, these are the gods who govern not only a certain family but all earthly affairs, so the ceremony of “To welcome newcomers” to the Executives and Judges between the old year and the new year. the new year must be conducted not indoors but outdoors (yard, door).

The twelve Executives and Judges respectively include:

1. Year of the Rat: Chu Vuong Hanh Khien, Thien On Hanh Binh, God, Ly Cao Judge.

2. Year of the Ox: Trieu Vuong Hanh Khien, Three hexagons of the Hanh Binh Chi God, Khuc Cao Judge.

3. Year of the Tiger: Wei Vuong Hanh Khien, God of Jupiter, and Tieu Cao Judge.

4. Year of the Rabbit: Trinh Vuong Hanh Khien, Thach Tinh Chi Than, Lieu Cao Judge.

5. Year of the Dragon: Department of Vuong Hanh Control, Fire Star God, Expression Cao Judge.

6. Year of the Snake: Ngo Vuong Hanh Khien, Thien Hai Chi Than, Hua Cao Judge.

7. Year of the Horse: Tan Vuong Hanh Kien, Thien Hao Chi God, Nhan Cao Judge.

8. Year of the Goat: Song Vuong Hanh Khien, Five Daos of God, Lam Cao Judge.

9. Year of the Monkey: Qi Vuong Hanh Khien, Five Temples of the Gods, Song Cao Phan Quan.

10. Year of the Rooster: Lu Vuong Hanh Khien, Ngu Nhac Chi God, Cu Cao Judge.

11. Year of the Dog: Viet Vuong Hanh Khien, Thien Ba Chi Than, Thanh Cao Judge.

12. Year of the Pig: Luu Vuong Hanh Khien, Ngu On Chi Than, Nguyen Cao Phan mandarin.

In the New Year’s Eve vows, when offering incense outdoors, they all swear on the titles of the executive officers and the above-mentioned Judges. Every year, they swear by their titles.

See more: The governor and the judges in 2022

10. New Year’s Eve vows

Besides offering incense to worship outdoors, we also have to offer incense and worship in the ancestral altar in the house. Accordingly, we will have an indoor New Year’s Eve ceremony and an outdoor New Year’s Eve ceremony to suit each place of worship.

11. Tiger New Year 2022

Lunar New Year 2022 Eve on Monday, January 31, 2022 – The first day of the lunar calendar on Wednesday, February 1, 2021. This is the most sacred and meaningful time, the transition between the old year and the new year. Everyone gives each other meaningful New Year wishes and wishes for a happy and prosperous new year.

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