Chia sẻ những tip thiết thực

Giáo án bổ trợ tiếng Anh 8

Giáo án dạy thêm tiếng Anh 8 xin giới thiệu đến thầy cô Giáo án bổ trợ tiếng Anh 8 được sưu tầm và đăng tải dưới đây sẽ là nguồn tài liệu hữu ích giúp thầy cô nâng cao hiệu quả giảng dạy. Tài liệu bao gồm toàn bộ ngữ pháp tiếng Anh cần thiết trong năm và các hoạt động giảng dạy cụ thể. Sau đây mời thầy cô vào tham khảo.

Giáo án dạy thêm Tiếng Anh 6

Giáo án dạy thêm Tiếng Anh 7

Giáo án dạy thêm Tiếng Anh 8

Giáo án dạy thêm Tiếng Anh 9

Period 1 – Adj + enough

Date prepared: 6/9/2013

I. Objectives

– By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to consolidate the structure (not) adj – enough (for somebody) to do something as well as the basic knowledge of unit 1.

II. Contents

– In copied paper.

III. Teaching methods

– group work, individually, speaking, writing, game.

IV. Teaching aids

– Chalk, board.

V. Procedure

Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

1. Exercise I

– Have Ss read the theory again.

– Divide the class into 2 teams. Let Ss play “Who’s faster?”. The member who answers reads, chooses the best option & explains the reason. Each correct answer scores 10 marks.

– If the 2 teams can’t answer, T gives the key.

2. Exercise II

– Call Ss to say in individually first, T elicits the correction from Ss then have Ss write on board.

3. Homework

– Deliver & guide period 2.

– Read the theory again.

– Take part in the game actively.

– Say in individually first then write on board.

– Listen to the T.

Period 2 – Present Simple Tense

Date prepared: 12/9/2013

I. Objectives

– By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to revise & consolidate present simple tense, the adjectives about one’s appearance/character as well as the order of the adjectives.

7. The people usually walk on the ….. .

a. street b. road c. sea d. sidewalk

8. When my grandmother was young, she used ….. very well.

a. sing b. to sing c. sang d. singing

9. My teacher asked me ….. my classmates .

a. not to copy b. not to copied c. not to copying d. to not copy

10. Her daughter likes ….. shopping on the weekend.

a. to go b. goes c. go d. going

11. They want their children not ….. video games so much.

a. to play b. playing c. play d. played

12. Her son ….. in Hanoi 10 years ago.

a. stay b. stays c. stayed d. to stay

13. Don’t let your child ….. with matches.

a. play b. playing c. to play d. played

14. She advised her daughter ….. her body warm.

a. keep b. to keep c. keeping d. kept

15. The doctor asked him ….. a rest and ….. any heavy work.

a. to take/ to do b. to take/ not do c. to take/ don’t do d. to take/ not to do

16. I like ….. carefully about things before ….. something.

a. thinking/ deciding b. to think/ decide

c. think/ to decide d. thinking/ to deciding

17. The library opens ….. 8a.m ….. 4p.m.

a. from/ to b. between/ to c. at/ of d. after/ in

18. Uncle Ho was born ….. May 19th, 1890.

a. on b. in c. at d. of

19. I am always proud ….. my parents.

a. at b. in c. of d. with

20. The chilldren are interested …… outdoor activities.

a. at b. in c. of d. with

II. Find one word whose underlined part is pronounce differently from the others

1. A. lunar B. hut C. under D. upset

2. A. scout B. shout C. outdoor D. youth

3. A. differ B. slightly C. did D. establish

4. A. moon B. soon C. poor D. school

5. A. equipments B. festivals C. folk tales D. terms

6. A. appears B. grazes C. sounds D. books

7. A. underlined B. enrolled C. united D. recycled

III. Rewrite each of the following sentences, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same.

  1. “Please post this letter for me,” said Mom

–> Mom told me to post that letter for her.

  1. “Please give your parents your report card” said the teacher.

–> The teacher asked us/ them to give our/ their parents our/ their report card.

  1. “Could you help me with my English speaking, Ba?” asked Minh.

–> Minh told Ba to help him with his English speaking.

  1. “Can you wait for me, Jerry?” Tom said.

–> Tom asked Jerry to wait for him.

  1. “Please don’t say anything, Hung.” Tuan said.

–> Tuan asked Hung not to say anything.

  1. “Don’t shut the window, please.”

–> The old man asked me/ us/ them/ him/ her not to shut the window.

  1. “You should use this dictionary to find out how to pronounce English words, Hoa.” said Lan.

–> Lan said to Hoa that Hoa should use that dictionary to find out how to pronounce English words.

  1. “You should practice playing the guitar everyday, Ba.”

–> The teacher said to Ba that he should practice playing the guitar everyday.

  1. The doctor said to the patient,”You should stay in bed.”

–> The doctor advised the patient to stay in bed.

  1. “You shouldn’t make a noise in the classroom.”

–> The teacher advised us not to make a noise in the classroom.

  1. “You oughtn’t to make your room dirty,” my mother told me.

–> My mother advised me not to make my room dirty.

  1. “You ought not to eat fatty food,” she said to her son.

–> She advised her son not to eat fatty food.


Date prepared: 4/1/2010

I. Objective

– Help Ss revise & consolidate Present Simple, Present Progressive as well as the comparative and superlative of adjs.

II. Content

– In copied paper.

III. Teaching method

– Individually, speaking, writing.

IV. Teaching aids

– Chalk, board.

V. Procedure

Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

1. Exercise 1

– Have Ss say the answer of each sentence in individually & explain the reasons.

– Elicit the correction from Ss then have Ss write on board.

2. Exercise 2

– Have Ss say the forms of the comparative and superlative again.

– Call Ss say the answer in individually.

– Elicit the correction from Ss then get the Ss who answer to write on board.

3. Homework

– Deliver & guide period 19.

– Say in individually & explain the reason.

– Give remarks.

– Write on board.

– Say in individually.

– Say in individually.

– Correct and the Ss who answer write on board.

– Listen to the T.

Lesson 16 – Requests, offers and promises

Date prepared: 3/1/2014

I. Objectives

– By the end of the lesson, students will be able to revise & consolidate the uses of requests, offers and promises sentences as well as Simple Future, Simple Present tense .

II. Contents

– In copied paper.

III. Teaching methods

– Individually, speaking, writing, game.

IV. Teaching aids

– Chalk, board.

V. Procedure

Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

1. Exercise I

– Divide the class into 2 teams. Let Ss play “Who’s faster?”. The member who answers reads, chooses the best option & explains the reason. Each correct answer scores 10 marks.

– If the 2 teams can’t answer, T gives the key.

2. Exercise II

– Have Ss say the answer in individually.

– Elicit the correction from Ss then get the Ss who answer write on board.

3. Exercise III

Have Ss read, give the correct verb forms, explain the reason & write on board in individually.

– Correct.

4. Homework

– Deliver & guide period 17.

– Take part in the game actively.

– Say in individually.

– Some Ss write on board.

– Read, give the correct verb forms, explain the reason & write on board in individually.

– Listen to the T.

Period 17 – In order to/ so as to

Date prepared: 8/1/2014

I. Objectives

– By the end of the lesson, students will be able to revise & consolidate the basic knowledge as well as structures in order to/so as to.

II. Contents

– In copied paper.

III. Teaching methods

– Individually, speaking, writing, game.

IV. Teaching aids

– Chalk, board.

V. Procedure

Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

1. Exercise I

– Divide the class into 2 teams. Let Ss play “Who’s faster?”. The member who answers reads, chooses the best option & explains the reason. Each correct answer scores 10 marks.

– If the 2 teams can’t answer, T gives the key.

2. Exercise II

– Have Ss say the answer in individually.

– Elicit the correction from Ss then get the Ss who answer write on board.

3. Exercise III

Have Ss find and correct the mistake of each sentence then write on board.

– Correct.

4. Homework

– Deliver & guide period 18.

– Take part in the game actively.

– Say in individually.

– Some Ss write on board.

– Find and correct them then write on board.

– Listen to the T.

Period 18 – Adj + to + vinf and adj + that clause

Date prepared: 17/1/2014

I. Objectives

– By the end of the lesson, students will be able to revise & consolidate: adj + to + Vinf; adj + that + noun clause as well as the other basic knowledge.

II. Contents

– In copied paper.

III. Teaching methods

– Individually, speaking, writing, game.

IV. Teaching aids

– Chalk, board.

V. Procedure

Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

1. Exercise I

– Divide the class into 2 teams. Let Ss play “Who’s faster?”. The member who answers reads, chooses the best option & explains the reason. Each correct answer scores 10 marks.

– If the 2 teams can’t answer, T gives the key.

2. Exercise II

– Knock the ruler, have Ss read each word in chorus.

– After each number, T asks: Which one is different? Why?

3. Exercise III

– Have Ss say the answer in individually.

– Elicit the correction from Ss then get the Ss who answer write on board.

4. Homework

– Deliver & guide period 19.

– Take part in the game actively.

– Read each word in chorus.

– Answer & explain the reason.

– Say in individually.

– Give remarks then some Ss write on board.

– Listen to the T.

Period 19 – Passive form

Date prepared: 25/1/2014

I. Objectives

– By the end of the lesson, students will be able to revise & consolidate about passive forms of present simple, future simple, modal verbs as well as the other basic knowledge.

II. Contents

– In copied paper.

III. Teaching methods

– Individually, speaking, writing, game.

IV. Teaching aids

– Chalk, board.

V. Procedure

Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

1. Exercise I

– Divide the class into 2 teams. Let Ss play “Who’s faster?”. The member who answers reads, chooses the best option & explains the reason. Each correct answer scores 10 marks.

– If the 2 teams can’t answer, T gives the key.

2. Exercise II

– Have Ss say the conjugation of passive forms at present simple, future simple, modal verbs as well as the way to change into passive forms.

– Call some Ss to say in oral first, others give remarks then the Ss who answer write on board.

– Correct.

3. Exercise III

– Have Ss give the answer in individually.

– Elicit the correction from Ss then get the Ss who answer write on board.

– Correct.

4. Homework

– Deliver & guide period 20.

– Take part in the game actively.

– Say in oral.

– Answer in oral and in individually then write on board.

– Say in individually.

– Give remarks then the Ss who answer write on board.

-Listen to the T.

Period 20 – Requests with would/ do you mind…?

Date prepared: 12/2/2014

I. Objectives

– By the end of the lesson, students will be able to revise & consolidate about Would/Do you mind…? as well as other basic knowledge.

II. Contents

– In copied paper.

III. Teaching methods

– Individually, speaking, writing, game.

IV. Teaching aids

-Chalk, board.

V. Procedure

Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

1. Exercise I

– Have Ss give the answer in individually.

– Elicit the correction from Ss then get the Ss who answer to write on board.

2. Exercise II

– Divide the class into 2 teams. Let Ss play “Who’s faster?”. The member who answers reads, chooses the best option & explains the reason. Each correct answer scores 10 marks.

– If the 2 teams can’t answer, T gives the key.

3. Homework

– Deliver & guide period 21.

– Say in individually.

– Give remarks then the Ss who answer write on board.

– Take part in the game actively.

– Listen to the T.

Period 21 – Consolidation

Date prepared: 17/2/2014

I. Objectives

– By the end of the lesson, students will be able to revise & consolidate about the phonetic and the way to write sentences.

II. Contents

– In copied paper.

III. Teaching methods

– Individually, speaking, writing, game.

IV. Teaching aids

– Chalk, board.

V. Procedure

Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

1. Exercise I

– Knock the ruler, have Ss read each word in chorus.

– After each number, T asks: Which one is different? Why?

2. Exercise II

– Have Ss give the answer in individually.

– Elicit the correction from Ss then get the Ss who answer write on board.

3. Homework

– Deliver & guide period 22.

– Read each word in chorus.

– Answer & explain the reason.

– Say in individually.

– Give remarks then the Ss who answer write on board.

– Listen to the T.

Period 22 – The v-ing and V-ed participle

Date prepared: 28/2/2014

I. Objectives

– By the end of the lesson, students will be able to revise & consolidate about the V-ing and V-ed participle.

II. Contents

– In copied paper.

III. Teaching methods

– Individually, speaking, writing, game.

IV. Teaching aids

– Chalk, board.

V. Procedure

Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

1. Exercise I

– Guide ss theory.

– Divide the class into 2 teams. Let Ss play “Who’s faster?”. The member who answers reads, chooses the best option & explains the reason. Each correct answer scores 10 marks.

– If the 2 teams can’t answer, T gives the key.

2. Exercise II

– Guide ss the first sentence.

– Have Ss say in individually the rest.

– Elicit the correction from Ss then get the Ss who answer write on board.

– Correct

3. Exercise III

– Have Ss point out the mistakes and correct.

– Elicit the correction from Ss then get the Ss who answer write on board.

– Correct

4. Exercise IV (For class 8A)

– Call ss to say their own sentences.

– Elicit the correction from ss.

– Correct.

5. Homework

– Deliver & guide period 23.

– Listen to the teacher.

– Take part in the game actively.

– Listen to the teacher.

– Say in individually.

– Give remarks then the Ss who answer write on board.

– Do T’s requests.

– Give remarks then the Ss who answer write on board.

– Say in individually.

– Give remarks.

– Listen to the T.

Period 23 – The Past Progressive

Date prepared: 25/2/2014

I. Objectives

– By the end of the lesson, students will be able to revise & consolidate about the past progressive, past simple and always in present progressive.

II. Contents

– In copied paper.

III. Teaching methods

– Individually, speaking, writing, game.

IV. Teaching aids

– Chalk, board.

V. Procedure

Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

1. Exercise I

– Divide the class into 2 teams. Let Ss play “Who’s faster?”. The member who answers reads, chooses the best option & explains the reason. Each correct answer scores 10 marks.

– If the 2 teams can’t answer, T gives the key.

2. Exercise II

– Have Ss give the answer, explain the reason in individually.

– Elicit the correction from Ss then get the Ss who answer write on board.

3. Exercise III

– Have Ss read in pairs and complete the gaps.

– Elicit the correction from Ss then get the Ss who plays as B write on board.

4. Homework

– Deliver & guide period 24.

– Take part in the game actively.

– Say and explain the reason in individually.

– Give remarks then the Ss who answer write on board.

– Do T’s requests.

– Give remarks then the Ss who answer write on board.

– Listen to the T.

Period 24 – Passive form, reported speech

Date prepared: 10/3/2014

I. Objectives

– By the end of the lesson, students will be able to revise & consolidate about passive form, reported speech

II. Contents

– In copied paper.

III. Teaching methods

– Individually, speaking, writing, game.

IV. Teaching aids

– Chalk, board.

V. Procedure

Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

1. Exercise I

– Divide the class into 2 teams. Let Ss play “Who’s faster?”. The member who answers reads, chooses the best option & explains the reason. Each correct answer scores 10 marks.

– If the 2 teams can’t answer, T gives the key.

2. Exercise II

– Have Ss say in individually.

– Elicit the correction from Ss then get the Ss who answer write on board.

3. Exercise III

– Have Ss poit out the mistake and correct.

– Elicit the correction from Ss then get the Ss who answer write on board.

4. Homework

– Deliver & guide period 25.

– Take part in the game actively.

– Say in individually.

– Give remarks then the Ss who answer write on board.

– Do T’s requests.

– Give remarks then the Ss who answer write on board.

– Listen to the T.

Period 25 – Passive form, reported speech (cont)

Date prepared: 20/3/2014

I. Objectives

– By the end of the lesson, students will be able to revise & consolidate about passive form, reported speech

II. Contents

– In copied paper.

III. Teaching methods

– Individually, speaking, writing, game.

IV. Teaching aids

– Chalk, board.

V. Procedure

Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

1. Exercise I

– Have Ss say the formular of reported speech.

– Have Ss say the answers in individually.

– Elicit the correction from Ss then get the Ss who answer write on board.

2. Exercise II

– Have Ss say the formular of passive form.

– Have Ss say the answers in individually.

– Elicit the correction from Ss then get the Ss who answer write on board.

3. Homework

– Deliver & guide period 26.

– Say in individually.

– Say in individually.

– Give remarks then the Ss who answer write on board.

– Say in individually.

– Say in individually.

– Give remarks then the Ss who answer write on board.

– Listen to the T.

Period 26 – Indirect questions with if and whether

Date prepared: 25/3/2014

I. Objectives

– By the end of the lesson, students will be able to revise & consolidate about indirect questions with if and whether .

II. Contents

– In copied paper.

III. Teaching methods

– Individually, speaking, writing, game.

IV. Teaching aids

– Chalk, board.

V. Procedure

Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

1. Exercise I

– Have Ss say the answers in individually.

– Elicit the correction from Ss then get the Ss who answer write on board.

2. Exercise II

– Divide the class into 2 teams. Let Ss play “Who’s faster?”. The member who answers reads, chooses the best option & explains the reason. Each correct answer scores 10 marks.

– If the 2 teams can’t answer, T gives the key.

3. Homework

– Deliver & guide period 27.

– Say in individually.

– Give remarks then the Ss who answer write on board.

– Take part in the game actively.

– Listen to the T.

PERIOD 27 – Consolidation for the 4th test

Date prepared: 15/3/2014

I. Objectives

– By the end of the lesson, students will be able to revise & consolidate the basic knowledge for the 4th test.

II. Contents

– In copied paper.

III. Teaching methods

– Individually, speaking, writing, games.

IV. Teaching aids

– Chalk, board.

V. Procedure

Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

1. Exercise I

– Knock the ruler, have Ss read each word in chorus.

– After each number, T asks: Which one is different? Why?

2. Exercise II

Call Ss to give the answer of each sentence, explain the reason.

– Elicit the correction from Ss then have those Ss write on board in individually.

– Correct.

3. Homework

– Deliver & guide period 28.

– Read each word in chorus.

– Answer & explain the reason.

– A std gives the answer, explains the reason.

– Give remarks then write on board in individually

– Copy in notebooks.

PERIOD 30 – Consolidation for the 4th test

Date prepared: 2/4/2008

I. Objective

– Help Ss revise & consolidate the basic knowledge for the 4th test.

II. Content

– In copied paper.

III. Teaching method

– Individually, speaking, writing, games.

IV. Teaching aids

– Chalk, board.

V. Procedure

Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

1. Exercise I

– Knock the ruler, have Ss read each word in chorus.

– After each number, T asks: Which one is different? Why?

2. Exercise II

Call Ss to give the answer of each sentence, explain the reason.

– Elicit the correction from Ss then have those Ss write on board in individually.

– Correct.

3. Homework

– Deliver & guide period 31.

– Read each word in chorus.

– Answer & explain the reason.

– A std gives the answer, explains the reason.

– Give remarks then write on board in individually

– Copy in notebooks.

Period 22 – consolidation

Date prepared: 1/2/2010

I. Objective

– Help Ss revise & consolidate about the phonetic and the way to write sentences.

II. Content

– In copied paper.

III. Teaching method

– Individually, speaking, writing, game.

IV. Teaching aids

– Chalk, board.

V. Procedure

Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

1. Exercise I

– Knock the ruler, have Ss read each word in chorus.

– After each number, T asks: Which one is different? Why?

2. Exercise II

– Have Ss give the answer in individually.

– Elicit the correction from Ss then get the Ss who answer write on board.

3. Homework

– Deliver & guide period 23.

– Read each word in chorus.

– Answer & explain the reason.

– Say in individually.

– Give remarks then the Ss who answer write on board.

– Listen to the T.

Chúc thầy cô giảng dạy hiệu quả!

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