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Đề thi thử THPT Quốc gia môn Tiếng Anh năm 2020

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de thi thu thpt quoc gia mon tieng anh nam 2020

Đề thi thử THPT Quốc gia môn Tiếng Anh năm 2020

1. Đề thi thử THPT Quốc gia môn Tiếng Anh năm 2020, đề số 1:

* Đề thi:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions

Question 1: “No students can get _____ with cheating in the exam.” the teacher said.
A. along
B. up
C. away
D. on

Question 2: He said he couldn’t give me a detailed description of the man because he had only _____ at him briefly.
A. gazed
B. stared
C. glanced
D. glared

Question 3: The children ran away as if they _____ a ghost.
A. saw
B. see
C. had seen
D. have seen

Question 4: We were so late that we _______had time to catch the train.
A. hardly
B. nearly
C. almost
D. simply

Question 5: Frankly, I’d rather you ________________in that case.
A. not involved
B. were not involved
C. will not be involved
D. wouldn’t be involved

Question 6: Most of ___________archaeologists know about prehistoric cultures is based on studies of material remains.
A. the
B. what
C. which
D. those

Question 7: He was expecting a prison sentence but the judge took ______ on him.
A. disgrace
B. shame
C. dishonor
D. pity

Question 8: It is high time that measures ___________ to prevent further traffic accidents.
A. are taken
B. were taken
C. should be taken
D. should have been taken

Question 9: Don’t drop litter wherever you want, ____________?
A. don’t you
B. won’t you
C. will you
D. do you

Question 10: We ____________ the car for half a year before it was stolen.
A. had owned
B. have owned
C. were owning
D. owned

Question 11: The fire was caused by an _____ failure in the engine.
A. electrician
B. electricity
C. electric
D. electrical

Question 12: I would have paid _______ for my car if the salesman had insisted, because I really wanted it.
A. two times as much
B. much twice
C. twice as much
D. as much twice

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions.

Question 13. 

A. unselfish 

B. acquaintance 

C. humorous 

D. attraction

Question 14. 

A. introduce 

B. currency 

C. marvelous 

D. delegate

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

Question 15. 

A. champange 

B. change 

C. challenge 

D. teacher

Question 16. 

A. introduction

B. question

C. production

D. expectation

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 17: Because the jury had reached deadlock, the judge called for a retrial.
A. reduction
B. disagreement
C. impasse
D. verdict

Question 18: His tenacious personality made him top salesperson in the company.
A. explosive
B. charming
C. tenable
D. persistent

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 19: Not only was John very obedient, but he rarely spoke out his own thoughts as well.
A. understanding
B. fresh
C. indiscreet
D. insubordinate

Question 20: That was electrifying news to all of the company’s staff.
A. comforting
B. shocking
C. astounding
D. boring

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

Question 21: It is recommended (A) that each person drinks (B) 2 liters of (C) water a (D) day.
Question 22One of (A) the largest oceans (B) in the world (C) is Atlantic Ocean (D).
Question 23Human body (A) does not stay at alike (B) temperature from (C) the morning till (D) the end of the day.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges.

Question 24: Mason: “In my opinion, horror films are really exciting.” – Lydia: ” _”
A. You shouldn’t have said that.
B. What an opinion!
C. There’s no doubt about that.
D. I don’t think so, either.

Question 25: Stephen: “It’s been a difficult time, but I think everything is over now.”
– Sarah: “______________ “
A. I’m afraid not.
B. I hope so.
C. Good luck with that!
D. Yes, I can’t agree less.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

Question 26: My father regrets taking up smoking. He can’t give it up now.
A. My father regrets having taken up smoking because he’s not able to give it up now.
B. My father wishes he hadn’t taken up smoking since he can’t cut down on it now.
C. My father can’t give up smoking now and feels regret about it.
D. Regretful as my father is, there might be a chance for him to stop smoking.

Question 27: Strip mining is one of the cheapest methods of mining. It is controversial because it harms the environment.
A. Strip mining, which is among the cheapest methods of mining, is controversial because it jeopardizes the environment.
B. Strip mining is one of the cheapest methods of mining, which is controversial because it does harm to the environment.
C. However harmful to the environment it is, strip mining is one of the cheapest methods of mining.
D. Strip mining is not the cheapest methods of mining, but it is controversial because it harms the environment.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

Question 28: Because they made too many mistakes, they failed in the exam.
A. They made very many mistakes that they failed in the exam.
B. They made too many mistakes that them to failed in the exam.
C. They made so many mistakes that they failed in the exam.
D. They made such many mistakes that they failed in the exam.

Question 29: No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t open the door.
A. It was difficult for me to open the door.
B. I tried hard to open the door.
C. I could open the door easily.
D. Try as hard as I might, I couldn’t open the door.

Question 30: Flooding in this region was the result of heavy rain.
A. Heavy rain caused flooding in this region.
B. Flooding in this region was the cause of the heavy rain.
C. Heavy rain resulted from flooding in this region.
D. Because of flooding in this region, there was heavy rain.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.

Comic Relief is a charitable organization based in London. It was set (31)______ by comedians in 1985 in response to the famine in Ethiopia, and uses comedy and laughter to get serious messages across. Since then over two thousand celebrities have given their time and talent to Comic Relief, helping to raise 300 million to date. Every two years, Comic relief organizes a nationwide fundraising event (32)________ “Red Nose Day”. It is usually on a Friday in March. On Red Nose Day, everyone in the country is encouraged to put a red nose and do something silly to raise money for charity. In an event that unites the country, people from all walks of life do their bit for poor and under-privileged people in the UK and Africa. In schools, uniforms are replaced by fancy dress, in offices across the nation, assistants (33)_______ over from their bosses for the day. Every contribution is important, whether it is standing in the street collecting money from passers-by, or taking (34)______ in a sponsored event like sitting in a bathtub full of baked beans for twenty-four hours, or not talking for a(n) whole day. The event is televised in the evening, when the combination of comedy and hard-hitting documentaries persuades (35)______ to make donations on their credit cards – over the phone or on the Internet – to those less fortunate than themselves.

Question 31: 

A. up 

B. off 

C. on

D. out

Question 32: 

A. described 

B. called 

C. known 

D. named

Question 33: 

A. do 

B. get 

C. take 

D. make

Question 34: 

A. involvement 

B. part 

C. participation 

D. place

Question 35: 

A. viewers 

B. observers 

C. spectators 

D. audience

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.

Traditionally in America, helping the poor was a matter for private charities or local governments. Arriving immigrants depended mainly on predecessors from their homeland to help them start a new life. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, several European nations instituted public-welfare programs. But such a movement was slow to take hold in the United States because the rapid pace of industrialization and the ready availability of farmland seemed to confirm the belief that anyone who was willing to work could find a job.

Most of the programs started during the Depression era were temporary relief measures, but one of the programs Social Security – has become an American institution. Paid for by deductions from the paychecks of working people, Social Security ensures that retired persons receive a modest monthly income and also provides unemployment insurance, disability insurance, and other assistance to those who need it. Social Security payments to retired persons can start at age 62, but many wait until age 65, when the payments are slightly higher. Recently, there has been concern that the Social Security fund may not have enough money to fulfill its obligations in the 21st century, when the population of elderly Americans is expected to increase dramatically. Policy makers have proposed various ways to make up the anticipated deficit, but a long-term solution is still being debated.

In the years since Roosevelt, other American presidents have established assistance programs. These include Medicaid and Medicare; food stamps, certificates that people can use to purchase food; and public housing which is built at federal expense and made available to persons on low incomes.

Needy Americans can also turn to sources other than the government for help. A broad spectrum of private charities and voluntary organizations is available. Volunteerism is on the rise in the United States, especially among retired persons. It is estimated that almost 50 percent of Americans over age 18 do volunteer work, and nearly 75 percent of U.S. households contribute money to charity.

Question 36: It took welfare program a long time to gain a foodhold in the US due to the rapid growth of _______.
A. industrialization
B. population
C. urbanization
D. modernization

Question 37: The Social Security program has become possible thanks to .
A. enforcement laws
B. deductions from wages
C. donations from companies
D. people’s willingness to work

Question 38: Most of the public assistance programs after the severe economic crisis.
A. were introduced into institutions
B. did not become institutionalized
C. functioned truthfully in institutions
D. did not work in institutions

Question 39: American on low incomes can seek help from .
A. non-governmental agencies
B. governmental agencies
C. federal government
D. state government

Question 40: The word “instituted” in the first paragraph mostly means ______.
A. executed
B. introduced
C. studied
D. enforced

Question 41: That Social Security payments will be a burden comes from the concern that .
A. the program discourages working people
B. younger people don’t want to work
C. elderly people ask for more money
D. the number of elderly people is growing

Question 42: New immigrants to America could seek help for ________.
A. only charity organizations
B. volunteer organizations
C. the people who came earlier
D. the US government organization

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.

According to the best evidence gathered by space probes and astronomers, Mars is an inhospitable planet, more similar to Earth’s Moon than to Earth itself – a dry, stark, seemingly lifeless world. Mars’ air pressure is equal to Earth’s at an altitude of 100,000 feet. The air there is 95 percent carbon dioxide.

Mars has no ozone layer to screen out the sun’s lethal radiation. Daytime temperatures may reach above freezing, but because the planet is blanketed by the mere wisp of an atmosphere, the heat radiates back into space. Even at the equator, the temperature drops to -50C (-60F) at night. Today there is no liquid water, although valleys and channels on the surface show evidence of having been carved by running water. The polar ice caps are made of frozen water and carbon dioxide, and water may be frozen in the ground as permafrost.

Despite these difficult conditions, certain scientists believe that there is a possibility of transforming Mars into a more Earth-like planet. Nuclear reactors might be used to melt frozen gases and eventually build up the atmosphere. This in turn could create a “greenhouse effect” that would stop heat from radiating back into space.

Liquid water could be thawed to from a polar ocean. Once enough ice has melted, suitable plants could be introduced to build up the level of oxygen in the atmosphere so that, in time, the planet would support animal life from Earth and even permanent human colonies. “This was once thought to be so far in the future as to be irrelevant,” said Christopher McKay, a research scientist at NASA. “But now it’s starting to look practical. We could begin work in four or five decades.”The idea of “terraforming” Mars, as enthusiasts call it, has its roots in science fiction. But as researchers develop a more profound understanding of how Earth’s ecology supports life, they have begun to see how it may be possible to create similar conditions on Mars. Don’t plan on homesteading on Mars any time soon, though. The process could take hundreds or even thousands of years to complete and the cost would be staggering.

Question 43: The word “there” in bold in paragraph 1 refers to _.
A. the Earth’s Moon
B. Mars
C. outer space
D. a point 100 miles above the Earth

Question 44: Which of the following does the author NOT list as a characteristic of the planet Mars that would make colonization difficult?
A. There is little liquid water.
B. The sun’s rays are deadly.
C. Daytime temperatures are dangerously high.
D. Night time temperatures are extremely low.

Question 45: It can be inferred from the passage that the “greenhouse effect” mention in paragraph 3 is _________.
A. the direct result of nuclear reactions
B. the cause of low temperatures on Mars
C. caused by the introduction of green plants
D. a possible means of warming Mars

Question 46: According to Christopher McKay, the possibility of transforming Mars
A. could only occur in science fiction stories
B. will not begin for hundreds, even thousands of years
C. is completely impractical
D. could be started in forty to fifty years

Question 47: According to the article, the basic knowledge needed to transform Mars comes from ________.
A. the science of astronomy
B. data from space probes
C. a knowledge of Earth’s ecology
D. science fiction stories

Question 48: According to the passage, the Martian atmosphere today consists mainly of ______.
A. oxygen
B. carbon dioxide
C. ozone
D. water vapor

Question 49: The word “inhospitable” in bold in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _____.
A. generous
B. uninhabitable
C. hostile
D. green

Question 50: What is the main idea of the passage?
A. The possibility of changing the Martian environment
B. The challenge of interplanetary travel
C. The need to study the Martian ecology
D. The advantages of establishing colonies on Mars

* Đáp án

1. C

2. C

3. C

4. A

5. B

6. B

7. D

8. B


10. A

11. D

12. C

13. C

14. A

15. A

16. A

17. C

18. D


20. D

21. B

22. D

23. B

24. C

25. B

26. A

27. A

28. C


30. A

31. A

32. B

33. C

34. B

35. A

36. A

37. B

38. B


40. B

41. D

42. C

43. B

44. C

45. D

46. D

47. C

48. B


50. A


2. Đề thi thử THPT Quốc gia môn Tiếng Anh năm 2020, đề số 2:

* Phần đề thi:

Blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Câu 1: Do you know that ________ longest river in ________ world is ________ Nile?
A. the/the/the                 B. a/the/the                    C. x/the/a                       D. the/the/x

Câu 2: Lightweight luggage enables you to manage easily even when fully ________.
A. crowded                    B. loaded                       C. carried                      D. packed

Câu 3: The revolving door remained ________ because Posey was pushing on it the wrong way.
A. station                       B. stationed                    C. stationary                  D. stationery

Câu 4: ________ at the airport more early, he would have met his friend.
A. Then he arrived B. Had he arrived        C. When he arrived     D. He has arrived 

Câu 5: You must have forgotten to send the email, ________ there’s nothing in my inbox.
A. because of                B. for                             C. due to                        D. owning to

Câu 6: The wine had made him a little ________ and couldn’t control his movement.
A. light-headed              B. narrow-minded          C. light-hearted             D. light-footed

Câu 7: My little girl is tired now because she ________ all day.
A. studies                       B. studied                      C. has been studying     D. has studied

Câu 8: The new director has really got things ________.
A. flying                        B. running                      C. jogging                      D. moving

Câu 9: ________________________, he left the hall quickly.
A. Not be rewarded with a smile                         B. Not rewarding with a smile
C. Not having rewarded with a smile          D. Not being rewarded with a smile

Câu 10: We were ________ a mile of our destination when we ran out of petrol.
A. hardly                       B. only                           C. within                       D. inside

Câu 11: The forecast has revealed that the world’s reserves of fossil fuel will have ________ by 2015.
A. taken over                 B. caught up                  C. run out                      D. used off

Câu 12: I usually buy my clothes ________. It’s cheaper than going to the dress maker.
A. on the shelf               B. on the house             C. in public                   D. off the peg

Câu 13: As ________ in Greek and Roman mythology, harpies were frightful monsters that were half woman and half bird.
A. description                B. describing                 C. to describe                D. described

Câu 14: Scientists have invented walls and windows that can block out the noise, which allows individuals to focus on their work without ________.
A. be disturbed              B. disturbing                  C. being disturbed         D. being disturbing

Blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction Câu 15: Televisions are now an everyday feature of most households in the United States, and television viewing is the number of one activity leisure.
A. everyday                   B. activity leisure          C. most households       D. television viewing

Câu 16: New sources of energy have been looking for as the number of fossil fuels continues to decrease.
A. New sources             B. been looking             C. fossil                         D. continues

Câu 17: Almost poetry is more enjoyable when it is read aloud.
A. is more                      B. Almost                      C. it is                           D. enjoyable

Read the following passage and blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to the following questions.

Foot racing is a popular activity in the United States. It is seen not only as a competitive sport but also as a way to exercise, to enjoy the camaraderie of like-minded people, and to donate money to a good cause. Though serious runners may spend months training to compete, other runners and walkers might not train at all. Those not competing to win might run in an effort to beat their own time or simply to enjoy the fun and exercise. People of all ages, from those of less than one year (who may be pushed in strollers) to those in their eighties, enter into this sport. The races are held on city streets, on college campuses, through parks, and in suburban areas, and they are commonly 5 to 10 kilometers in length.

The largest foot race in the world is the 12-kilometer Bay to Breakers race that is held in San Francisco every spring. This race begins on the east side of the city near San Francisco Bay and ends on the west side at the Pacific Ocean. There may be 80,000 or more people running in this race through the streets and hills of San Francisco. In the front are the serious runners who compete to win and who might finish in as little as 34 minutes. Behind them are the thousands 20 who take several hours to finish. In the back of the race are those who dress in costumes and come just for fun. One year there was a group of men who dressed like Elvis Presley, and another group consisted of firefighters who were tied together in a long line and who were carrying a fire hose. There was even a bridal party, in which the bride was dressed in a long white gown and the groom wore a tuxedo. The bride and groom threw flowers to bystanders, and they were actually married at some point along the route.

Câu 18: Which of the following best describes the organization of this passage?
A. chronological order                                        B. cause and result
C. statement and example                                   D. specific to general

Câu 19: The main purpose of this passage is to ________________________.
A. describe a popular activity                              B. give reasons for the popularity of the foot races
C. make fun of runners in costume                     D. encourage people to exercise

Câu 20: In what sentence(s) does the author give reasons for why people enter foot races?
A. Foot racing … and exercise.      B. Behind them … a fire horse.
C. The largest … 34 minutes.                              D. People of all ages … in length.

Câu 21: Which of the following is NOT implied by the author?
A. Foot races appeal to a variety of people
B. Walkers can compete for prizes
C. Entering a race is a way to give support to an organization    
D. Running is a good way to strengthen the heart

Câu 22: The word “bystander” refers to __________.
A. a spectator                 B. a judge                      C. a participant              D. a walker

Câu 23: The phrase “to a good cause” could be best replaced by which of the following?
A. to reward the winner                                       B. to protect a wise investment
C. for a good purpose                                         D. for an award

Câu 24: Which of the following is NOT mentioned in this passage?
A. Some runners were ready to put out a fire
B. Some runners looked like Elvis Presley
C. Some runners were participating in a wedding
D. Some runners were serious about winning

Câu 25: The word “camaraderie” as used in line 2 could be best replaced by which of the following _______.
A. views                        B. companionship          C. games                       D. jokes

Blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.

Câu 26: I think it’s impossible to abolish school examinations. They are necessary to evaluate students’ progress.
A. continue                    B. extinguish                 C. organize                    D. stop

Câu 27: He revealed his intentions of leaving the company to the manager during the office dinner party.
A. concealed                 B. disclosed                   C. misled                       D. influenced

Read the following passage and blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks in the following questions.


The company study abroad was originally founded in 1991 for students who wished to study French in France. Its success led to the establishment of other schools around the world.

Learning the language in the country in which it is spoken is, of course, a (28) ________ more effective and faster process than studying in your own country. It is also an opportunities to mix with local habitants and (29) ________ a greater and deeper (30) ________ of the people whose language you are studying. This makes the whole experience much more enjoyable. You may wish to attend an Italian language and a cooking course in Italy or combine a Portuguese course with a sport. You should look at all the possibilities and (31) ________ the best choice. In order to choose the (32) ________ course and location for you, we suggest you contact us to discuss your particular requirements. From the information you give us, we can make some recommendation.

Câu 28:

A. lots

B. far

C. so

D. very

Câu 29:

A. acquire

B. require

C. inquire

D. enquire

Câu 30:

A. know

B. knowledgeable

C. knowledge

D. knowledgeably

Câu 31:

A. do

B. make

C. take

D. get

Câu 32:

A. exact

B. right

C. precise

D. fit

Blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

Câu 33: “I’m sorry I gave you the wrong number”, said Paul to Susan.
A. Paul apologized to Susan for having given the wrong number.
B. Paul accused Susan of having given him the wrong number.
C. Paul thanked to Susan for giving the wrong number.
D. Paul denied giving Susan the wrong number.

Câu 34: I needn’t have watered the garden because it came down in torrents after that.
A. If only I had watered the garden before it came down in torrents.
B. It’s a pity I had watered the garden before it came down in torrents.
C. I regret having watered the garden before it came down in torrents.
D. If it had came down in torrents, I wouldn’t have watered the garden.

Câu 35: The students complained that the teacher was inexperienced.
A. The teacher was popular despite his inexperience.
B. The teacher was favored because of his inexperience.
C. The students praised the teacher for his inexperience.
D. The teacher was not supported for his inexperience.

Blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

Câu 36: We gain more knowledge about how to stay safe online. We worry about the threats of cybercrime less.
A.    The more knowledge about how to stay safe online we gain, the more we worry about the threats of cybercrime.
B.    The more we stay online to gain safety knowledge, the less we worry about the threats of cybercrime.
C.    The more knowledge about how to stay safe online we gain, the less we worry about the threats of cybercrime.
D.    The more we know about how to stay safe online, we worry about the threats of cybercrime less.

Câu 37: We arrived at the airport. We realized our passports were still at home.
A. Not until we arrived at the airport, did we realize that our passports were still at home.
B. We arrived at the airport and realized that our passports are still at home.
C. Not until had we arrived at the airport, we realized our passports were still at home.
D. It was until we arrived at the airport that we realize our passports were still at home.

Blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.

Câu 38: He was sacked from his job after the manager discovered that he had stolen some money from his colleagues.
 A. dismissed                  B. ejected                      C. evicted                      D. dropped

Câu 39: She simply took it for granted that the check was good and did not ask him any questions about it.

A. objected to it

B. permitted it

C. looked it over

D. accepted it without investigation

Blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word with the main stress different from that of the other three words in each question.

Câu 40:       A. escape                  B. before                       C. enough                      D. welfare
Câu 41:       A. situation               B. examination              C. generation                 D. education

Read the following passage and blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to the following questions.

Very few people in the modern world obtain their food supply by hunting and gathering in the natural environment surrounding their homes. This method of harvesting from nature’s provision is the oldest known subsistence strategy and has been practised for at least the last two million years. It was, indeed, the only way to obtain food until rudimentary farming and the domestication of wild animals were introduced about 10,000 years ago.

Because hunter-gatherers have fared poorly in comparison with their agricultural cousins, their numbers have dwindled, and they have been forced to live in marginal environments, such as deserts and arctic wastelands. In higher latitudes, the shorter growing seasons have restricted the availability of plant life. Such conditions have caused a greater dependence on hunting, and on fishing along the coasts and waterways. The abundance of vegetation in the lower latitudes of the tropics, on the other hand, has provided a greater opportunity for gathering a variety of plants. In short, the environmental differences have restricted the diet and have limited possibilities for the development of subsistence societies.

Contemporary hunter-gatherers may help us understand our prehistoric ancestors. We know from the observation of modern hunter-gatherers in both Africa and Alaska that a society based on hunting and gathering must be very mobile. While the entire community camps in a central location, a smaller party harvests the food within a reasonable distance from the camp. When the food in the area has become exhausted, the community moves on to exploit another site. We also notice seasonal migration patterns evolving for most hunter-gatherers, along with a strict division of labor between the sexes. These patterns of behavior may be similar to those practised by mankind during the Paleolithic Period.

Câu 42: The word “domestication” in the first paragraph mostly means ________.
A. making wild animals used to living with and working for humans
B. hatching and raising new species of wild animals in the home
C. teaching animals to do a particular job or activity in the home
D. adapting animals to suit a new working environment

Câu 43: According to the passage, subsistence societies depend mainly on ________.
A. hunter-gatherers’ tools                                    B. agricultural products
C. farming methods                                            D. nature’s provision

Câu 44: In the lower latitudes of the tropics, hunter-gatherers ________.
A. can free themselves from hunting                   B. live along the coasts and waterways for fishing
C. have better food gathering from nature          D. harvest shorter seasonal crops

Câu 45: typical feature of both modern and prehistoric hunter-gatherers is that ________.
A. they live in the forests for all their life
B. they don’t have a healthy and balanced diet
C. they don’t have a strong sense of community
D. they often change their living places

Câu 46: Which of the following would serve as the best title of the passage?
A. Evolution of Humans’ Farming Methods        B. Hunter-gatherers and Subsistence Societies
C. A Brief History of Subsistence Farming         D. Hunter-gatherers: Always on the Move

Blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the other three in each question.

Câu 47:      A. wicked                 B. beloved                     C. learned                      D. cooked
Câu 48:      A. shame                  B. drank                         C. cable                         D. blaze

Blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Câu 49: Joanne: “You should have flown with the earlier flight!”
Alex: “____________.”

A. Why not?

B. Oh, I’m sorry to hear that

C. It was fully booked

D. Yes. I did

Câu 50: Helen and Mary are talking about Mary’s result at school.
Helen: “Your parents must be proud of your result at school!”
Mary: “____________.”
A. Of course                                                        B. I’m glad you like it   C. Sorry to hear that                       D. Thanks. It’s certainly encouraging 

* Đáp án




















































3. Đề thi thử THPT Quốc gia môn Tiếng Anh năm 2020, mẫu số 3:

* Phần đề thi

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges.

Câu 1 (TH): Christina and John are in the English evening class.
Christina: “Why do you think the most people learn English?”
John: “……………………………………………………….”
A. Very often it’s to get a better job                    B. All of them are
C. Because I like it                                              D. I heard it was very good

Câu 2 (TH): John and Mary are having dinner at her house.
John: “This dish is really delicious!”
Mary: “……………. . It’s called Yakitori, and it’s made with chicken livers.”
A. I guess you’re right.                                        B. It’s my pleasure.
C. Sure, I’ll be glad to.                                        D. I’m glad you like it.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

Instructors at American colleges and universities use many different teaching methods. Some instructors give assignments every day. They grade homework. Students in their classes have to take many quizzes, a midterm exam, and a final test. Other instructors give only writing assignments. Some teachers always follow a course outline and usually use the textbooks. Others send students to the library for assignments.

The atmosphere in some classrooms is very formal. Students call their instructors “Professor Smith”, “Mrs. Jones”, and so on. Some teachers wear business clothes and give lectures. Other classrooms have an informal atmosphere. Students and teachers discuss their ideas. Instructors dress informally, and students call them by their first names. American teachers are not alike in their teaching styles.

At most American colleges and universities, facilities for learning and recreation are available to students. Students can often use recorders, video machines, and computers at libraries and learning centres. They can buy books, notebooks, and other things at campus stores. They can get advice on their problems from counsellors and individual help with their classes from tutors. Students can relax and have fun on campus, too. Some schools have swimming pools and tennis courts. Most have snack bars or cafeterias.

Câu 3 (TH): What is the main idea of the first paragraph?
A. Ways of teaching                                            B. Ways of giving assignments
C. Ways of using the textbook                            D. Ways of taking an exam

Câu 4 (TH): What does the phrase “business clothes” in paragraph 2 mean?
A. trendy clothes                                                 B. casual clothes
C. formal clothes                                                 D. clothes for business people

Câu 5 (TH): Where do students and teachers discuss their idea?
A. At learning centers                                          B. In classrooms with formal atmosphere
C. In classrooms with informal atmosphere        D. At libraries

Câu 6 (TH): What can’t students do at most American colleges and universities?
A. They can’t buy anything at campus stores.
B. They can’t use the computers that are linked to libraries.
C. They can’t ask their counselors and tutors for advice.
D. They can’t have tutors and counselors solved their problems.

Câu 7 (TH): Which of the following statements is NOT true about schools in America?
A. They offer sports and leisure facilities for students.
B. They have no recreation facilities.
C. They are well-equipped.
D. They have stores on campus.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

There is a common trend for people to indulge in leisure activities. Did you ever watch a video on the Internet? Maybe you used YouTube. YouTube is a Web site where people can share their video. Today, YouTube is an important part of the Internet. However, that wasn’t always true.

YouTube started with a young man named Jawed Karim and two friends. One day, Karim was on the Internet. He wanted information about the 2004 tsunami in Southeast Asia. He found news stories about it, but he couldn’t find any videos. This gave Karin an idea. He wanted to help people put video on the Internet. Karim told his friends about this idea. Together, they created a company – YouTube.

YouTube become a global success. Millions of people around the world visited the Web site. It was clear to Google, another Internet company, that YouTube had a lot of value. Google made a deal. It bought YouTube for 1.65 USD. As a result, YouTube investors and its employees made a lot of money. The three friends who started YouTube were very big investors. Therefore, they made an enormous amount of money.

Karim became very rich, and he continued to work toward his PhD. There was something else he wanted to do. He wanted to help young people go into business. He used money and experience to start a new company called Youniversity Ventures. This company helps young people who have good business ideas. It gives them advice and money to start Internet businesses. Milo is one business that students started with the help of Youniversity Ventures.

Milo is a shopping Web site. It helps people find products in stores near their homes. Another example is AirBoB. This Web site helps people find for video conferences. People in different places can use this site to have business meetings.

Karim has some advice for students who want to start business. First, find a successful company. Do a lot of research about the company and the top people in the company. There, copy the way they do things. For students who wants to start Internet business, Karim is probably a very good example to copy.

Câu 8 (VD): What can be the best title for the passage?
A. To be successful on the Internet                     B. Support from Youniversity Ventures
C. Sharing Success on the Internet                    D. The best videos from YouTube

Câu 9 (NB): What does the word “This” in paragraph 2 refer to?
A. the information of the 2004 tsunami               B. the 2004 tsunami in Southeast Asia
C. that he could find no videos       D. the news stories he could find

Câu 10 (TH): How did the YouTube investors make a lot of money?
A. Google bought their YouTube company.        B. They invested a lot of money in Google.
C. They sold things on Milo Website.         D. They made a profit from Youniversity Ventures.

Câu 11 (TH): Which of the following is NOT mentioned about Karim?
A. He earned a lot of money from YouTube.      B. He is the owner of Youniversity Ventures.
C. He had the original idea of YouTube.            D. He created a lot of sample videos for YouTube.

Câu 12 (TH): Which of the following can replace the word “enormous” in paragraph 3?
A. considerable       B. favourable  C. huge            D. increasing

Câu 13 (TH): What does Youniversity Ventures do?
A. It buys Internet companies such as Milo.
B. It helps people find inexpensive vacation places worldwide.
C. It gives people advice and money to start business. D. It helps people to get PhDs at famous Universities.

Câu 14 (TH): What kind of Web site is AirBoB?
A. It helps people search vacation places.           B. It helps people find successful businesses.
C. It helps people held business meetings.          D. It helps people buy goods and services.

Câu 15 (TH): What is Karim’s advice for students who want to start business?
A. Work for successful people and companies.
B. Copy successful people and companies.
C. Give money to Youniversity Ventures.
D. Get a PhD degree from famous university.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions.

Câu 16 (NB):       A. attract                        B. divide                        C. finish                        D. invite
Câu 17 (NB):       A. economics                 B. entertainment            C. radiation                    D. geography

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.
Câu 18 (VD): Were it not for the money, this job wouldn’t be worthwhile.
A. Although the salary is poor, the job is worthwhile.
B. The only thing that makes this job worthwhile is the money.
C. This job is not rewarding at all, so everyone wants to get it.
D. This job offers a poor salary, so it is worthwhile

Câu 19 (VD): The burglar was caught red-handed by the police when he broke into the flat.
A. The police caught the burglar to break into the flat.
B. The police caught the burglar breaking into the flat.
C. The police caught the burglar when breaking into the flat.
D. Then the burglar had broken into the flat, the police caught him at one.

Câu 20 (VD): He didn’t pay attention to what I said.

A. He had no intention of talking to me.
B. He didn’t hear me even though I was saying to him.
C. He took no notice of my words.
D. He didn’t pay attention because I didn’t say a word.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Câu 21 (TH): Such characters as fairies or witches in Walt Disney animated cartoons are purely _________
A. imaginable                B. imaginative                C. imagining                  D. imaginary

Câu 22 (NB): Neither Mary nor her brothers _________at the party yet. They may be getting stuck in the traffic.
A. are arriving               B. have arrived              C. has arrived                D. is arriving

Câu 23 (TH): The old market is said _________in a fire two years ago.
A. to be destroyed                                               B. to have destroyed
C. to have been destroyed                                   D. to be destroying

Câu 24 (TH): We should participate in the movement _________to conserve the natural environment.
A. which organized        B. organizing                 C. to organize                D. organized

Câu 25 (TH): I have decided to buy that house. I won’t change my mind _________what you say.
A. no matter                  B. although                    C. because                     D. whether

Câu 26 (NB): An endangered species is the one _________ population is so small that it is in danger of becoming extinct.
A. which                        B. what                          C. whose                       D. who

Câu 27: I don’t understand why the students didn’t keep silent while the speech _________.
  A. was being made        B. was made                  C. has been made          D. would be made

Câu 28 (VDC): The jokes Jack tells are as old as _________.
A. the hills                     B. the mountains           C. the oceans                 D. the earth

Câu 29 (VDC): When finding a new house, parents should _________ all the conditions for their children’s education and entertainment.
A. keep pace with   B. make room for        C. get rid of     D. take into account 

Câu 30 (TH): Ms. Brown asked me _________ in my class.
A. how many students there were                       B. were there how many students
C. how many students were there   D. there were how many students

Câu 31 (NB): After David _________ his homework, he went straight to bed.
A. had finished              B. has finished              C. was finished             D. finished

Câu 32 (TH): _________, we would have been forced to sack him.
A. Were he not to resign                                     B. If he resigned
C. Had he not resigned                                        D. If he had resigned

Câu 33 (TH): Students also have the opportunity to choose from a wide range of _________ courses in the university.
A. optional                    B. unique                       C. compulsory               D. limited

Câu 34 (TH): I’d rather _________ to the party with my parents because there was nothing interesting there.

A. hadn’t been invited                                         B. not have been invited
C. haven’t been invited                                       D. not be invited

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

Câu 35 (VD): You have just passed your exam. This makes your parents happy.
You have just passed your exam makes your parents happy.
B. That you have passed your exam makes your parents happy.
C. You have just passed your exam which it makes your parents happy.
D. Having just passed your exam making your parents happy.

Câu 36 (VD): She raised her hand high. She wanted to attract her teacher’s attention.
Because her teacher attracted her, she raised her hand high.
B. She had such a high raising of hand that she attracted her teacher’s attention.
C. Though she raised her hand high, she could not attract her teacher’s attention.
D. To attract her teacher’s attention, she raised her hand high.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Câu 37 (VD): Not until all their demands had been turned down did the workers decide to go on strike for more welfare.
A. detected                    B. reviewed                   C. sacked                       D. rejected

Câu 38 (NB): She was brought up in a well-off family. She can’t understand the problems we are facing.
A. poor                          B. wealthy                     C. broke                        D. kind

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Câu 39 (TH): The palace was badly damaged by fire, but was eventually restored to its original splendor.
A. renovated                  B. refurbished                C. strengthened             D. devastated

Câu 40 (NB): All children can attend without paying fees at state schools.
A. secondary schools                                          B. independent schools
C. primary schools                                              D. high schools

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

Câu 41 (NB):       A. bags                          B. days                          C. speeds                       D. dates
Câu 42 (NB):       A. searched                   B. cooked                      C. described                  D. developed

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

Câu 43 (TH): Some snakes have hollow teeth they are called fans that they use to poison their victims.
A. Some                         B. they are called          C. use                            D. their

Câu 44 (NB): What the woman was saying were so important that I asked everyone to stop talking and listen.
A. What                         B. was saying                C. were                          D. to stop taking

Câu 45 (NB): George is not enough intelligent to pass this economics class without help.
A. enough intelligent B. to pass                         C. economics                D. help

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.


In Part Three of the Speaking Section you work together with a partner. You have to do a (46) _____ task which usually lasts about 3 minutes. One possible task is “problem solving”, which means you have to look at some (47) _____ information and then discuss the problem with your partner. You may be shown photos, drawings, diagrams, maps, plans, advertisements or computer graphics and it is (48) ________ that you study them carefully. If necessary, check you know exactly what to do by politely asking the examiner to repeat the instruction or make them clearer.

While you are doing the task, the examiner will probably say very little and you should ask your partner questions and make (49) ________ if he or she is not saying much. If either of you have any real difficulties, the examiner may decide to step in and help. Normally, however, you will find plenty to say, which helps the assessor to give you a fair mark. This mark depends on your success in doing the task by competing with your partner, which includes taking (50) ____ in giving opinions and replying appropriately, although in the end it may be possible to “agree to disagree”.

Câu 46 (VD):

A. single

B. scarce 

C. lonely 

D. unique

Câu 47 (TH):

A. noticeable

B. visual 

C. optical 

D. obvious

Câu 48 (TH):

A. helpful

B. essential 

C. probable 

D. successful

Câu 49 (TH):

A. statements

B. suggestions

C. speeches 

D. ideas

Câu 50 (VD):

A. changes

B. sentences

C. turns 

D. sides

* Đáp án:
























































>>Tham khảo thêm Đề thi minh họa môn Tiếng Anh năm 2020
Để chủ động trong việc sắp xếp thời gian ôn tập, chuẩn bị cho kì thi, các em học sinh có thể cập nhật Các mốc thời gian của kì thi THPT quốc gia năm 2020 đồng thời ôn tập cho các môn học khác qua việc tập giải đề thi thử: Đề thi thử THPT Quốc gia môn Toán năm 2020, Đề thi tham khảo THPT quốc gia môn Hóa học năm 2020,Đề thi thử THPT Quốc gia môn Ngữ văn năm 2020 , Đề thi tham khảo THPT quốc gia môn Vật lí năm 2020

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