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Cơ quan lãnh đạo cao nhất của chi Đoàn là gì?

What is the highest governing body of the Chapter? What are the principles, organizational structure and activities of the Union? To help readers answer these questions, invites you to follow the article below to better understand this issue.

  • What are the minimum conditions for establishing a branch?

Quiz The highest leadership body of the branch

What is the highest governing body of the branch?

a. Branch level delegates congress.
b. Union members.
c. Branch Executive Committee.
d. Senior team.

What is the highest governing body of the Chapter?

Article 5

Article 6:

1. The organization system of the Union consists of 4 levels:

– Grassroots level (including grassroots unions and grassroots branches).

– District level and equivalent.

– Provincial level and equivalent.

– Central.

2. The establishment or dissolution of a Union organization shall be decided by the immediate superior Union.

The 7th rule:

1. Tasks of congresses of unions at all levels:

Discuss and vote on the reports of the Executive Board; decide on the direction and tasks of the Youth Union and the youth movement; elect a new Executive Committee; commenting on documents of the higher-level Union Congress and electing a delegation to attend the superior-level Union Congress (if any).

2. A congress term is the time between two congresses:

– The congress of the Youth Union, the Union of the High School, the Union of the Continuing Education Center and the Union of the Vocational School is once a year.

– Congresses of grassroots branches, grassroots unions in administrative and non-business agencies, enterprises, and unions of universities, colleges and professional secondary schools are every 5 years.

– Congresses of grassroots Youth Unions of communes, wards and townships; The congress of delegates from district level and above is every 5 years.

The Standing Committee of the Central Youth Union may decide to adjust the time between the two congresses of the ward grassroots Youth Union when necessary.

3. The congress of delegates at any level shall be convened by the Executive Committee of that level. The number of delegates to a congress at any level shall be decided by the Executive Board of that level. Delegates include members of the Executive Committee at the level convening the congress, delegates elected and appointed by the congress of the Youth Union or the lower-level conference of delegates. Delegates appoint no more than five percent (5%) of the total number of delegates to be convened.

4. The officials and union members who, after being elected as delegates, quit the work of the Union, or switch to the work and activities of the Youth Union in a locality or other unit not under the Executive Committee convening the congress, they shall withdraw their membership. name from the delegation list.

The withdrawal and addition of delegates of the delegation at any level shall be decided by the Executive Board or the Standing Committee convening the congress.

5. Delegates attending the congress must be voted by the congress to recognize their delegate status. The Executive Committee convening the congress may not reject the status of a delegate elected by a subordinate, unless a delegate has been disciplined from warning or higher but has not yet received a decision to recognize progress.

6. The Executive Committee of the Youth Union at all levels may convene a conference of delegates to strengthen the Executive Committee, discuss documents of the superior congress, and elect delegates to attend the meeting of the superior Union. The composition of the conference of delegates includes members of the Executive Committee at the level convening the conference and delegates appointed by the Executive Committee at lower levels, and the number of delegates is decided by the Executive Board at the level convening the conference.

Article 8:

1. The electoral list must be discussed and approved by the congress or conference of delegates.

2. The election of the Union shall be conducted by secret ballot or by ballot. Particularly, the election of members of the leading agencies at all levels of the Delegation shall be conducted by secret ballot.

3. If the election is not in accordance with the rules and procedures prescribed, the election must be re-organized.

Article 9:

1. Congresses, conferences of delegates and conferences of the Delegation are only valid when at least two-thirds of the delegates are convened on behalf of at least two-thirds of the affiliated units.

2. When voting or voting, it must be approved by more than one-half of the people present in order for the elected person to be elected and the resolution to be valid. In case the number of people with more than one-half votes is greater than the number to be elected, those with the higher number of votes shall be taken. If the election results have many people with more than one-half and equal number of votes but more than the required number of votes, they shall be re-elected among those with equal votes; the winner is the one with the higher number of votes, not more than one in two. In case of re-election with the same number of votes, whether to vote again or not shall be decided by the general meeting or conference.

3. The congress or conference of the Youth Union elects the Presidium or the Chairman to manage the work of the congress or conference. The Presidium or the Chairperson has the right to consider and make final conclusions on the withdrawal or withdrawal from the electoral roll or the work of the congress or conference.

Article 10:

1. Tasks of the Executive Committee of the Youth Union at all levels:

– Leading the work of building Unions, Associations and Teams.

– Organize the implementation of the resolutions of the congress of the Youth Union at their own level and direct and guide the subordinates to implement the resolutions and directives of the Party and the superior Union.

– Report on their activities to the congress or conference of delegates at the same level, to the superior Executive Committee of the Youth Union, to the Party Committee of the same level and notify the Executive Committee of the Youth Union at lower levels.

– Proposing, proposing and coordinating with State agencies, mass organizations and socio-economic organizations to solve problems related to Youth Union work and youth movement.

2. The number of Executive Committee members at any level shall be decided by the general meeting of the Youth Union at that level according to the guidance of the Central Committee of the Youth Union. The Executive Board elected by the congress must be recognized by the immediate superior delegation.

3. When the Executive Boards and Standing Committees of all levels are vacated, they shall be discussed and unanimously selected by the Executive Boards, and proposed to the higher-level Executive Boards for additional recognition. The number of additions during the whole term must not exceed two-thirds of the number of Executive Committee members decided by the congress, in special cases under the guidance of the Central Committee of the Youth Union. When necessary, the immediate superior delegation has the right to appoint an additional number of members of the Executive Committee at lower levels in accordance with the provisions of the Standing Committee of the Central Youth Union.

– If the Secretary or Deputy Secretary is vacated, after having the consensus of the Party Committee of the same level and the immediate superior delegation, the Executive Board meeting shall elect from among the members.

The Executive Board and the immediate superior delegation approved. In case of necessity, the superior delegation has the right to make additional appointments after reaching agreement with the party committee of the same level.

– When the Central Executive Committee of the Youth Union is vacated, the meeting of the Central Executive Committee of the Youth Union shall additionally elect but not more than one-half of the number of Executive Committee members decided by the National Congress of Deputies.

4. The new Executive Committee of the Youth Union and the people elected to executive positions are immediately elected by the congress or conference and officially recognized when there is a decision to approve the Executive Committee of the Youth Union at the higher level. next.

5. The term of the Executive Committee of the Youth Union at all levels is the time between the two congresses of each level.

6. For newly established Youth Union organizations, the superior delegation directly appoints the provisional Executive Committee. Within six months from the date of issuance of the decision on establishment, a congress must be held to elect the official Executive Committee. If the temporary period is extended, it must be approved by the immediate superior delegation under the guidance of the Standing Committee of the Central Youth Union.

Article 11:

1. The Central Committee of the Youth Union and the Executive Committee of the Provincial Youth Union meet at least two times a year. The Executive Committee of the district-level Youth Union meets at least four times a year. The Executive Committee of the Youth Union and the grassroots Youth Union meets at least once a month, in particular places, guided by the Standing Committee of the Central Youth Union.

2. A member of the Executive Committee who fails to attend the Executive Committee meeting for 3 consecutive times during his term without a valid reason shall have his/her name removed from the Executive Board. The deletion of the name shall be considered and decided by the Executive Committee of the same level and reported to the immediate superior Delegation.

3. A member of the Executive Committee who moves from the Union’s work shall cease to join the Executive Committee of the Union and withdraw his name from the list of the Executive Committee. The withdrawal will be done at the nearest Executive Board meeting. For the Secretary, before withdrawing his name, there must be the agreement of the Party committee and the immediate superior Union. Members of the Central Committee of the Union shall be considered and decided by the Central Committee of the Union. In the same session, members of the Executive Committee who withdraw their names from the list of the Executive Committee still have the right to vote and vote or chair the meeting to elect additional Executive Board members and titles.

4. Members of the Executive Committee of the Youth Union at all levels, if they are of the age of union members, must participate in activities with a branch; if they are not within the age of union members, they will have a regime to periodically participate in activities and activities with the Youth Union’s establishments. .

Article 12:

1. The National Congress of Delegates elects the Central Committee of the Union. The Central Executive Committee of the Youth Union elects the Standing Committee, the First Secretary and the Secretaries from among the Standing Committee members; elect the Inspection Committee of the Central Youth Union and the Chairman of the Inspection Committee from among the members of the Inspection Committee.

2. The meeting of the Executive Committee of the Youth Union at the provincial and district levels to elect the Standing Committee; elect the Secretary, the Deputy Secretaries among the members of the Standing Committee; elect the Inspection Committee and the Chairman of the Inspection Committee from among the members of the Inspection Committee at his/her level.

3. The general meeting of trade union members or the congress of union members at the branch and grassroots union elect the Executive Committee. The Executive Board elects the Secretary, Deputy Secretary, and Standing members (if any).

4. The direct election of the Secretary at the congresses of the Youth Union at all levels shall comply with the guidance of the Standing Committee of the Central Youth Union.

Article 13:

1. The Standing Committee of the Central Youth Union consists of the First Secretary, Secretaries, and Standing members. The Standing Committee of the Central Committee of the Youth Union, on behalf of the Executive Committee, leads the Youth Union at all levels in the implementation of the resolutions of the congress and the resolutions of the Central Committee of the Youth Union. The number of members of the Central Committee of the Youth Union shall be decided by the Central Committee of the Union.

2. The Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Youth Union is the standing body of the Standing Committee, consisting of the First Secretary and the Secretaries, and on behalf of the Standing Committee of the Youth Union organize, direct, guide and inspect the implementation of the resolutions of the Communist Party of Vietnam. Group; prepare issues for submission to the Standing Committee for consideration and decision on the Union’s work policies and youth movements and deal with the day-to-day affairs of the Union. The Secretariat of the Central Youth Union works under the mode of collective leadership and individual responsibility. The number of Secretaries of the Central Committee of the Union shall be decided by the Central Committee of the Union with the ratio not exceeding one third of the number of members of the Standing Committee.

3. The Standing Committee of the Youth Union from the provincial level down consists of the Secretary, the Deputy Secretaries and the Standing members. The Standing Committee on behalf of the Executive Committee leads all aspects of the Union’s work between the two Executive Committee meetings. The number of Standing Committee members at all levels shall not exceed one third of the members of the Executive Committee of the same level.

Article 14:

1. Teams from district level upwards may set up specialized agencies to assist.

2. The organizational apparatus, tasks and powers of specialized agencies at district and provincial levels shall be guided by the Standing Committee of the Central Youth Union. Working regulations of specialized agencies at any level shall be decided by the heads of such agencies.

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