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How to make offerings to the God of Wealth for abundant fortune, smooth sailing for the whole year 2022?

What to buy for luck on the day of God of Fortune?

Vows to the Earth God of Wealth

How to worship the god of fortune to attract fortune

Business people and traders are very interested in worshiping the god of fortune as well as on the day of the god of fortune. Because the god of fortune is the god who brings money and wealth to the owner, so many families, especially business and business families, set up altars and worship the god of fortune every day. The Vietnamese believe that the God of Wealth Day on January 10 is the ceremony to pray for fortune and wealth at the beginning of the year. In this article, Tip will guide you how to worship the God of Fortune as well as worship the God of Fortune all year long for abundant fortune, surplus wealth, and favorable business.

1. What is the meaning of God of Wealth Day?

According to legend, it is said that in the past, there was no God of Fortune on earth but only God of Fortune in heaven, who was the god who ruled fortune and money. Due to a time going out, drinking, Than Tai was too drunk to control himself, so he fell to earth, fainting because his head hit a rock. When people see Than Tai dressed as a Cai Luong tuong actor, they take off all their clothes and hats and sell them. Than Tai woke up and didn’t remember who he was, so he wandered around begging.

Entering a certain business store, he saw that the owner of the chicken and duck shop was sluggish, and Than Tai was invited to eat. Strangely, since God of Fortune came to eat, customers everywhere flocked to, the shopkeeper saw that, every day invited the talented teacher to eat. Perhaps from here, there is a saying God of Fortune knocks on the door. All the people trading around the area consider the God of Wealth as a treasure, so they set up an altar to worship.

2. God of Wealth Day 2022

According to folk beliefs, the day of God of Fortune – January 10th, is the most beautiful day and brings the most luck for each person.

God of Fortune Day in 2022 falls on Thursday, February 10, 2022 according to the solar calendar

Worshiping the God of Fortune on the 10th of January in general and the Tai Tai on the 10th of every month in particular is a very important job in the spiritual culture of Vietnamese people. With the purpose of praying for the God of Wealth, wish to bring good luck, bring money, and prosper in business.

3. The tray of offerings to the God of Wealth

On the Day of the God of Wealth, the 10th day of the Lunar New Year, the homeowner should prepare and arrange the following offerings to worship the God of Fortune for the whole year:

The offerings include:

  • 1 vase (gerbera, chrysanthemum or rose)
  • 5 kinds of fruit
  • 5 incense sticks
  • 5 jars of wine
  • 2 candles (candles)
  • 2 cigarettes
  • 1 plate of rice
  • 1 plate of granulated salt
  • 2 pieces of gold and silver
  • 1 set of boiled slugs includes: 1 piece of bacon, 1 duck egg and 1 shrimp or crab Legend has it that these are the 3 dishes that the god of wealth still loves in the human world.

1. Salt offering ceremony from January to June of the lunar calendar

  • 1 vase of longevity flowers, 5 fruits (with coconut), 5 incense sticks, 5 chun liquor, 2 candles, 2 cigarettes, rice, salt, 2 pieces of gold and silver.
  • 1 set of three slugs includes: 1 piece of bacon, 1 duck seed, 1 shrimp (or crab), all boiled.

2. Vegetarian offerings from July to December of the lunar calendar

  • 1 vase, 5 fruits (with coconut), 5 incense sticks, 5 water bottles, 2 candles, 2 cigarettes, rice, salt, 2 pieces of gold and silver.
  • Vegetarian cakes such as small cakes, Tet cakes, cakes…

4. How to open the red fortune on the day of the God of Fortune

There is a pretty simple concept of red fortune for business people. Is to take 1 bill of the largest denomination. Offering ceremony at the altar of the god of wealth on the opening day of the new year. Then fold this bill and put it in your wallet, leaving it untouched for the whole year.

This way to strengthen the sand fortune for the work you follow.

The purchase of gold on the day of the god of wealth, then the ceremony at the altar of the god of wealth (if any). Or worship at home (ancestor, mandarin, etc.). Then storing it in a cupboard for the whole year has the same meaning of opening the red.

5. How to offer gold to the altar to worship the God of Fortune

In case you buy, this is the simplest way to offer gold and claim fortune.

At your store’s altar of fortune (or your home’s altar) prepare the following:

  • Candles (red)
  • Smell
  • Flowers (yellow chrysanthemum, yellow rose, optional)
  • Fruits (three kinds of fruit including coconut, some people don’t offer bananas because they’re afraid that bananas will die, but they won’t be born. Actually it doesn’t matter. Having a coconut is fine.)
  • Food (candy, betel nut, tobacco, tea)
  • 1 set of three slugs (symbolizing fertility, including 1 piece of boiled meat. Boiled small shrimp or crab
  • 5 poached duck eggs 1 egg
  • Roast pork + vegetarian dumplings (optional)
  • Alcohol, soft drink, filtered water.
  • If you run a coffee or beverage business, it’s better to have a cup of tea or coffee
  • Rice + salt in a paper cup.
  • 1 bowl of clean water soaked in yellow rose petals

Then offer with the gold you bought, burn incense and pray

6. How to worship the God of Wealth every month

In addition to the God of Wealth day on January 10, people still choose the 10th of the lunar calendar every month to worship the God of Fortune, praying for good luck in that month. So it has become customary that on the 1st and 15th or 10th of the lunar month, along with the ancestral altar, other altars in the house are also arranged by families.

Worshiping the God of Wealth to return the ceremony when encountering luck and fortune. The offerings are usually delicious dishes such as pig, roast duck, chicken, fruit, daily drink… According to folklore, Than Tai likes sea crab and roasted pig, ripe yellow banana. So, usually, homeowners often burn incense every morning from 6 am to 7 pm and in the evening from 6 am to 7 pm, each time 5 incense sticks on the day of worship. Change drinking water when burning incense, change water in flower vases and worship ripe yellow bananas.

How to worship the God of Wealth the right way

7. Worshiping God of Wealth

I bow to the nine directions of the sky and the ten directions of the earth

Respectfully bow to the current Quan Hanh Chinh, the King of Kings, and the Five Shrines of the Han Dynasty.

Hail to the City of Kings of the great kings.

Dear Mr. Dia – God of Wealth, the owner of the house and the landlady, the ghosts and spirits that are hidden from view, the former and the late masters.

My name is…………………….

Year of Birth………………………….

Store at address …………………………………………………………………………. ……………..

Today is January 10th…

My trustee sincerely prepares, smells of camellia flowers, lights incense sticks to offer in front of the court

In front of the altar of the Sun Gods, my faithful clasped their hands respectfully.

Praying to the local Thanh Hoang, Ong Dia – God of Fortune proves the good heart to pray, sincerely thank the gods who have protected and protected me during the past time, let us do business and worry. trying to work in this country.

Today is the new year of spring, on the occasion of the new year, on the occasion of the new year, on the occasion of the new year.

In front of the altar of the deities, I respectfully present.

Please grant us the grace to open up the fortune, open the flower for the whole year with favorable wind and rain, and good work. People’s hearts are peaceful, servants are in harmony.

For me to sell expensive clothes, famous near and far, natural musk scent but limitless calamities dispersed.

Don’t dare to dream of far-fetched dreams. Just hope the hard work pays off. Try to be out achievements. Work hard until success. Add a little luck and have more fortune to fall.

We are human beings, the yang has not yet revealed that the yin is not understood, if there is something wrong, please forgive us.

I ask the local Thanh Hoang, Ong Dia – Than Tai, the owner of the house and the landowner, the parts of the incense, the former and the late masters to witness their sincere devotion. Regards.

After praying, bow or bow three times

Reciting Namo Amitabha Buddha (3 times)

8. Prayers for the Day of the God of Wealth

I bow to the nine directions of Heaven, to the Buddhas of the ten directions, to the Buddhas of the ten directions
Hail to Mr. Hoang Thien, Hau Tho, and all the Sun Gods
I respectfully bow to Mr. Dong Tru Tu Manh, Tao Phu, Than Quan
I bow to the God of Wealth and Money
I bow to you Gods, the earth rulers of this land
Child creditor is…………………….
Residing at…………………………………………………….
Today is …….month…….year…………………….
The city faithful made arrangements, flowers, offerings, honeysuckle, tea and other offerings, presented before the court to invite the God of Wealth.
I pray to the God of Fortune to have mercy on the faithful, come down before the judgment, witness the sincerity, enjoy the offerings to support our faithful, security and prosperity, all good things, prosperity, prosperity, good fortune and progress. , the heart of the religion is open, the needs are all fulfilled, the wishes are devoted.
We bow sincerely, before the court, we bow to ask for protection and protection.

9. Note when worshiping the God of Wealth

  • Normally, you should burn incense every morning from 6 am to 7 pm and in the evening from 6 am to 7 pm, each time burning 5 incense sticks. Change drinking water when burning incense, change water in flower vases, and worship ripe yellow bananas.
  • Rice and salt are stored for good luck, not spread out.
  • Gold and silver are burned outside.
  • Wine or water, standing outside the door to water the house, means to bring fortune in.
  • The set of three slugs or fruit cakes shared in the house is not for outsiders.
  • Avoid disturbing animals and cats to defile the altar of the God of Fortune.
  • Every month, we usually clean the altar, bathe the God of Fortune on the last day of the month and on the 14th day of the lunar calendar with grapefruit leaf juice, or wine mixed with water. Towels and baths for the God of Fortune must not be used for other purposes.
  • When summoning the God of Fortune and Earth Divinity from the store, it should be wrapped in red paper, or in a clean box, brought to the temple by the monks in the temple “I vow to enter the God”, and asked the monks to choose a good day to bring it to the temple. Go home to rest the God of Wealth and Earth.
  • Go home, wash with grapefruit leaf juice and put it on the altar, buy offerings to worship, and then do normal worship.
  • When inviting God of Wealth, Earth Dia also has a God of Wealth, Tho Dia is suitable for homeowners, there are also Gods of Fortune, Earth Dia is not suitable for homeowners, choose a statue of God of Fortune, Tho Dia with a smiling face, a bright face, the statue is not damaged. cracked, broken, looking at the statue exudes wealth.

In addition, the following should be noted:

  • Huong: Some places think that lighting should be done in the morning, others think that it should be lit in the evening. Actually, it’s not necessary and there are no specific regulations. You can choose a good time for worshiping of the day or choose a good date and time when good stars come to activate the qi field more easily.
  • Water: The water bowl needs to be rinsed before getting new water. Just one cup of water is enough, not three or five cups. Water should not be too full, need to be about 1 cm from the mouth of the cup. Be careful not to spill or spill water on the table.
  • Flowers: The vase can be made of glass, ceramic, etc. Only fresh flowers should be chosen, flowers with buds and fragrance as possible. Do not use fake flowers.
  • Fruit: Fruit should be fresh, delicious, look intact, usually use apples, pears, bananas, oranges, tangerines… Like flowers, don’t use plastic, inedible artificial fruit.
  • Lamps and candles: The offerings are real lamps like oil lamps or candles. Do not use flashing lights, electric lights… because they all create bad gas fields, affecting worship.

Asking for more or less fortune depends on the sincerity of the owner, the owner’s blessings and luck. God of Wealth, Earth Dia cannot give or give to others, must be invited by the owner himself.

see more

  • The ceremony of worshiping the god of fortune on January 10
  • How to make grilled snakehead fish to worship the God of Fortune
  • God of Fortune Day in 2022

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