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Bộ đề thi học kì 1 lớp 9 môn tiếng Anh năm 2021 – 2022

Bộ đề ôn thi tiếng Anh lớp 9 học kì 1 có cấu trúc giống với đề thi chính thức của bộ GD&ĐT với nhiều dạng bài tập trắc nghiệm tiếng Anh 9 mới khác nhau như: Chọn từ có cách phát âm khác, Tìm từ có trọng âm khác, Điền từ thích hợp hoàn thành đoặn văn tiếng Anh, Đọc đoạn văn trả lời câu hỏi, Tìm lỗi sai và sửa, Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không thay đổi … giúp các m học sinh cải thiện kỹ năng làm từng dạng bài hiệu quả. hy vọng rằng bộ đề ôn tập tiếng Anh lớp 9 cuối học kì 1 này sẽ là tài liệu ôn thi học kì 1 hiệu quả dành cho các em học sinh lớp 9. Chúc các em học sinh đạt điểm cao trong kì thi sắp tới.

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Ngữ pháp tiếng Anh lớp 9 học kì 1 năm 2020 – 2021

Bộ đề thi khảo sát chất lượng cuối học kì 1 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 9 dưới đây nằm trong bộ đề thi học kì 1 lớp 9 năm học 2020 – 2021 do sưu tầm và đăng tải. Tài liệu gồm 11 đề thi Tiếng Anh khác nhau giúp học sinh lớp 9 ôn tập Từ vựng – Ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh toàn bộ học kì 1 hiệu quả.

Đề thi tiếng Anh lớp 9 học kì 1 – Đề số 1

Vocabulary and grammar

I. Circle the word whose main stressed syllable is different from that of the others.

1. A. benefit B. impression C. importance D. advantage
2. A. traditional B. fashionable C. convenient D. compulsory
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1. A

2. B

II. Circle the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest.

1. A. depend B. ethnic C. region D. impress
2. A. increase B. mean C. leak D. weather
3. A. worked B. lived C. washed D. stopped
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1. C

2. D

3. B

III. Choose the best answer.

1. I wish today ……………. my birthday.

A. am

B. is

C. are

D. were

2. This book ……………. in 2000.

A. wrote

B. is written

C. has written

D. was written

3. What do you use the Internet for? – …………….

A. Get information.

B. Be got information,

C. To get information.

D. Be getting information.

4. You should practise ……………. English with your classmates.

A. to speak

B. speak

C. being spoken

D. speaking

5. Buddhists often go to……………. to pray.

A. pagoda

B. church

C. park

D. mosque

6. The unit of currency in Cambodia is the …………….

A. dollar

B. peso

C. baht

D. riel

7. Everything is O.K, …………….? – Of course.

A. is it

B. isn’t it

C. are they

D. aren’t they

8. There ……………. be a market here.

A. used to

B. is using to

C. use to

D. is used to

9. I ……………. English since 2014.

A. learn

B. have learned

C. am learning

D. learned

10. It was very hot, ……………. I opened all the windows.

A. because

B. but

C. so

D. when

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1. D

2. D

3. C

4. D

5. A

6. D

7. B

8. D

9. B

10. C


I. Choose one of the words given to fill in each gap. (1m)

And; important; editor; games; well-drawn; news

The Daily Sun is a very good newspaper. It has all the latest (1) ………………… and there is also an excellent sports page with well-written (2) ………………… interesting reports of football and hockey matches. The middle pages contain two crossword puzzles and some very (3) ………………… cartoons of famous people and events. Finally, there are always interesting letters to the (4) …………………

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1. news

2. and

3. well-drawn

4. editor

II. Read the article about doing homework. Answer the questions. (1m)

Doing homework

It is a good idea to start your homework early. If you can do it before your evening meal, you will have more time later to do things that you enjoy, like talking on the phone.

It is also better to do homework as soon as possible after the teacher has given it to you. Then, if the homework is difficult and you need time to think about it, you will still have time to do it.

Always turn off your mobile phone and the television when you are doing homework. You will work a lot faster without them. Make sure you have a quiet place to work, with enough light and a comfortable chair.


1. Is it good to do homework late or early?

2. When is it better for us to do homework?

3. Why do we have to turn off our mobile phone and the television when we are doing homework?

4. Do you enjoy doing your homework? Why? Or why not?

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1. It is good to do homework early

2. It is also better to do homework as soon as possible after the teacher has given it to you.

3. Because we will work a lot of faster withou them

4. Yes, I do. Because it helps me review my lessons


I. Complete the second sentence with the same meaning. (1m)

1. We should plant trees around the school yard.


2. I don’t have a laptop

I wish ……………………………………………………..

3. “Are you using my pencil, Ba?”, Hoa said.

Hoa asked…………………………………………………………..

4. Study hard or you’ll fail the exam.


5. I can’t speak English well.

I wish ……………………………………………………………………………….

6. “Where do you live ? ” Nam asked his teacher

Nam asked……………………………………………………………….

7. “I will go to my village next year” Mr. Nam said.

Mr. Nam said …………………………………………………..……………

8. My brother likes playing soccer every morning.

My brother is interested………………………………………………………….

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1. Trees should be planted around the school yard

2. I wish I had a laptop

3. Hoa asked Ba if he was using her pencil

4. If you don’t study hard, you’ll fail the exam

5. I wish I could speak English well

6. Nam asked his teacher where she lived

7. Mr. Nam said he would go to his village the following year

8. My brother is interested in playing soccer every morning

Đề thi học kì 1 tiếng Anh 9 – Đề số 2

Language focus.

I. Choose a correct word to complete each of the following sentences.

1. Your parents ________you one hour ago.

a. phoned

b. are phoning

c. have phoned

d. phone

2. I wish that I ________her now.

a. can meet

b. met

c. could meet

d. could met

3. The first man landed on the Moon ______21st July 1969.

a. in

b. on

c. for

d. of

4. He is _______in playing soccer.

a. interest

b. interesting

c. interests

d. interested

II. Change these sentences into the passive voice.

1. They will hold the meeting before May Day.

2. They have found oil in the Antarctic.


3. People don’t use this dictionary very often.


III. Turn into Reported speech.

1. They said “We must go home now”.


2. I asked the children “ Who took part in your excursion to the city?”.


3. She asked me “ Do you have many friends?”.


IV. Read the text carefully then decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F)

Spending your free time on the Internet can be fun. You can chat, share photos with friends, and play online games. But some people are addicted to the Internet. They just can’t turn it off.

Being online for many hours at a time does not mean you have a problem. The Internet is very useful. Online, you can pay your bills, buy clothes, and read the news. There are many good reasons to spend time online. However, people with an Internet addiction are online too much. They don’t spend time with their friends and family. Instead, they spend their time chatting with their Internet friends, people they have never met in real life. Some also play online games all day or night. Some people with Internet addictions even leave their jobs so they can spend even more time online! People with Internet addictions don’t just go online to shop, have fun, or do work. People who have this problem often go online because they want to escape the stress and problems in their lives. Many internet addicts stop caring about their real lives, and focus only on their online lives.

One way Internet addicts can get help is by using special software. This software controls how much time someone can spend online. It tells the computer to turn off the internet after a certain amount time. This helps people focus on real life. The software’s goal is to teach people to use the Internet for good reasons and not just as an escape.

1. People with Internet addiction spend most of their free time on the Internet.

2. Paying bills online is a useful way to use the Internet.

3. Internet addiction causes problems in one’s daily life.

4. Most Internet addicts play online games all day or night.

5. Using special software is a way of helping people stop their Internet addiction.

V. Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meaning. (1m)

1. My brother started to work last year

My brother has……………………………………………………………….

2. My mother can’t speak English.

I wish…………………………………………………………………………..

Đề thi tiếng Anh học kì 1 lóp 9 – Đề số 3

A> Pronunciation:

I/ Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.

1. A. out B. round C. about D. Would

2. A. baggy B. minority C. st (D)le D. Symbol

3. A. chair B. check C. machine D. child

4. A. exchange B. orange C. danger D. arrange

II/ Choose the word whose main stress pattern is placed differently from the rest

1. A. academic B. reputation C. experience D. intermediate

2. A. primary B. official C. tropical D. language

B> Language focus:

I/ Choose the correct word(s)/ phrase(s) to complete the sentences.

1. Mai asked me……..could stay there.

A. he whether

B. whether he

C. he if

D. though he

2. To reach the village they have to cross a small bamboo……………………

A. forestry

B. bush

C. shrub

D. forest

3. They work…………as a waiter on Saturday and Sunday evenings.

A. part-time

B. sometime

C. full-time

D. all the time

4. I don’t like using the internet because it has some _____

A. benefits

B. advantages

C. limitations

D. disadvantages

5. The workers love wearing jeans because the material was very …


B. cheap

C. soft

D. fashionable

6. If you want to … the course, you must pass the coming examination.

A. collect

B. visit

C. attend

D. make

7. She often goes to the ………… to pray because her religion is Islam.

A. church

B. pagoda

C. temple

D. mosque

8. Have you ……been to Japan? Yes, I have ………been there.

A. already/ ever

B. just/ever

C. ever/ already

D. just/ recently

9. when she was young, she……do a lot of exercises.

A. used to

B. wasn’t used to

C. was used to

D.was use to

10. I wish the children……………making the noise.

A. will stop

B. can stop

C. stop

D. would stop

II. Choose the underlined word or phrase ( A, B, C or D ) that needs correcting

1. It’s time for Maryam to leave (A) for home (B), but she wishes she has (C) a longer (D).

2. It got colder (A) and colder, because (B) we turned off (C) the air conditioner (D).

3. No one have (A) gotten such (B) high marks in writing (C) compositions before (D)

4. He said (A) he can’t (B) find his friend’s house (C) in (D) that square.

C> Reading:

I/ Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question

Clothes can tell a lot about a person. Some like colorful (1)________ because they want everyone to look at them (2)________ they want to be the centre of attention. (3)________ people like to wear nice clothes, but their clothes are colorful and fancy. They do not want people to look at them. Clothes today are very different (4)________ the clothes of the 19 th century. One different is the way they look. For11 example, in the 19 th century, all women (5)________ blouses with long skirts. But today, women do not always wear blouses with long skirts. Sometimes they wore short skirts. Sometimes they wear pants. Another different (6)________ the 19 th century and today is cloth. In the 19 th century, clothes were made only from natural kinds of cloth. They were made from cotton , wool, silk or line. But today, there are many kinds of man-made cloth. A lot of clothes are now made fromnylon, rayon, or polyester.

1. A. clothes B. suits C. shirts D. trousers

2. A. but B.or C. and D. so

3. A. Some B. Few C. The D. Other

4. A. of B. from C. with D. on

5. A. wear B. worn C. were wearing D. wore

6. A. between B. among C. both D. in

II/ Read the passage, and then decide whether the statements are true IT), false (F) or no information (N)

I lived in the Middle East for a while, and when I went out, I had to obey the local custom of wearing something over my head and wearing a dress that covered my whole body. At first, I found it a real nuisance, but after a while, I got used to it and even started to like it. You feel really secure, and also you don’t have to worry about what to wear all the time.

1. The writer lives in the Middle East now. _____

2. She was constrained to wear national costume. _____

3. She was very annoyed at the costume. _____

4. She felt confident and safe when she wore the costume. _____

5. She didn’t have to think of what to wear every day. _____

6. The writer is a Muslim. _____

D> Writing:

I/ Rewrite these sentences, beginning with the words given. (1m)

1. She said, “I’ll be here again tomorrow.”(Change into reported speech.)

She said …………………………………………………………………………………

2. Mary doesn’t know how to use the Internet.(Rewrite, using “wish”)

Mary wishes ……………………………………………………………………..

II/ Rewrite the sentences so that meaning stays the same (1m)

1. It took Jane many hours to surf the Net for needed information.

Jane spent………………………………………………………………………..

2. This magazine is being read by both teenagers and adults.

Both teenagers……………………………………………………………………

8 Đề tiếng Anh lớp 9 học kì 1 năm 2021 khác

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