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Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 11 Unit 11: Sources of Energy

Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 11 Unit 11: Sources of Energy

Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 11 Unit 11: Sources of Energy do sưu tầm và đăng tải là tài liệu ôn tập vô cùng hữu ích dành cho các em học sinh ôn luyện và củng cố kiến thức, chuẩn bị tốt nhất cho bài học cũng như những kì thi quan trọng về sau. Mời các em cùng làm bài nhé!

Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 11 Unit 11: Sources of Energy có đáp án

Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 11 Unit 11: Sources of Energy có đáp án – Số 1

Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 11 Unit 11: Sources of Energy có đáp án – Số 2

Mời các bạn tham gia nhóm Tài liệu học tập lớp 11 để nhận thêm những tài liệu hay: Nhóm Tài liệu học tập lớp 11

Word family

1. electric (adj): có điện, hoạt động bằng điện

Ex: electric guitar/light

  • electric shock
  • electrical (adj): thuộc về điện

Ex: electrical equipment/appliances

  • electrical power/energy
  • electrical fault
  • electrical plug/socket/switch
  • electrically (adv): hoạt động bằng điện
  • electrician (n): thợ điện
  • electricity (n): điện
  • electronic (adj): điện tử
  • electrify (v): cung cấp điện
  • electrification (n): sự điện khí hóa

2. alter (v): thay đổi

  • alternative (n): vật/người thay thế, lựa chọn
  • alternative (adj): có thể chọn để thay cho một vật khác, khác, thay thế
  • alternatively (adv): để thay đổi

3. sun (n): mặt trời

  • sunny (adj): có nắng
  • solar (adj): thuộc mặt trời

4. consume (v): tiêu thụ

  • consumption (n): sự tiêu thụ
  • consumer (n): người tiêu dùng

5. limit (n,v): giới hạn, hạn chế

  • limited (adj): hữu hạn
  • unlimited (adj): không giới hạn, có số lượng cực lớn, vô cùng, vô tận

6. environment (n): môi trường

  • environmental (adj): thuộc về môi trường
  • environmentally (adv)
  • environmentalist (n): người bảo vệ môi trường

7. gradual (adj): từ từ, chầm chậm

  • gradually (adv): dần dần


1. A. machine B. shrill C. sugar D. slide

2. A. splat B. splay C. splash D. splatter

3. A. sprite B. spring C. sprint D. sprinkle

4. A. shrill B. shrimp C. shrine D. shrink

5. A. split B. splinter C. splint D. splice

Đáp án

1. D

2. B

3. A

4. C

5. D

Choose the word that has the main stress placed differently from the others

6. A. primitive B. particular C. continuous D. connected

7. A. amount B. mental C. dependence D. opinion

8. A. section B. grammar C. unsuccessful D. demonstrate

9. A. harvest B. circumstances C. produce D. ceremony

10. A. research B. ability C. companion D. understand

Đáp án

1. A

2. B

3. C

4. C

5. D

Multiple choice

1. She was the last applicant_______.

A. to interview B. to be interviewing C. to be interviewed D. to have interviewed

2. I’m hungry. Is there any food_______?

A. to be eaten B. for me eating C. eating D. to eat

3. English is an important language_______.

A. to master B. for us to master C. which we have to master D. All are correct

4. “What’s all that noise about?” “We had a bad accident_______at the factory.”

A. happening B. happened C. happen D. has happened

5. I wrote to the company_______the them for a catalogue.

A. asking B. demanding C. enquiring D. applying

6. I have heard nothing from him since_______.

A. he had left B. he leaves C. he has left D. he left

7. Lack of rain early in the season means that the field_______a poor crop.

A. surrendered B. yielded C. generated D. suffered

8. Can you find any_______equipment in this department?

A. electric B. electrified C. electrical D. electricity

9. You cannot grow crops on_______land.

A. exhaustion B. exhaust C. exhausting D. exhausted

Đáp án

1. A

2. D

3. D

4. A

5. A

6. D

7. B

8. C

9. D

Error Identification

1. The world’s rain forests are being cut down at the rate on 3,000 acres per hour.


2. Many scientists fear that the earth will run out essential natural resources before the end of the 20th century.


3. Because much species of plants and animals in Hawaii are threatened with extinction within a short period


of time, scientists are trying desperately to rescue them.


4. Her many friends, among who I like to be considered, gave her encouragement.


Đáp án

1. C

2. C

3. A

4. B

Gap filling

There is now increasing concern about the world’s energy_______(1), particularly about those involving fossil_______(2). In less than a hundred years we shall probably_______(3) all the present_______(4) of oil and gas. The world’s coal_______(5) should last longer but, once used, these cannot be_______(6). It is important, therefore, that we should develop such_______(7) sources of energy as solar energy as well as water and wind_______(8), (classed as_______(9) energy). Until these energy_______(10) are widely used, it is important for developed countries to reduce energy consumption as much as possible.

1. A. possessions B. resources C. goods D. materials

2. A. fuels B. powers C. forms D. energies

3. A. end B. compete C. total D. exhaust

4. A. findings B. productions C. amounts D. sources

5. A. reserves B. stores C. mines D. contents

6. A. updated B. repeated C. renewed D. produced

7. A. traditional B. alternative C. revolutionary D. surprising

8. A. force B. strength C. power D. motion

9. A. repeatable B. continual C. renewable D. continuous

10. A. goods B. supplies C. provisions D. materials

Đáp án

1. B

2. A

3. D

4. D

5. A

6. C

7. B

8. C

9. C

10. B

Word forms

Exercise 1

1. He’s just bought a car with_____________________operated windows. (electric)

2. The railway line was_____________________in the 1950s. (electric)

3. ___________________is the process of changing something so that it works by______________. (electric)

4. You can be paid in cash weekly or by cheque monthly, those are the tow______________. (alter)

5. Gas and oil_________________always increases in cold weather. (consume)

6. Health-concious________________want more information about the food they buy. (consume)

7. We should pay more attention to renewable sources of energy such as wind and ___________power. (sun)

8. We are doing our best with the_________________resources available. (limit)

9. ___________________damage threatens the whole of civilization. (environment)

10. The weather_____________________improved. (gradual)

Đáp án

1. electrically

2. electrified

3. Electrification

4. alternatives

5. consumption

6. consumers

7. solar

8. limited

9. Environmental

10. gradually

Exercise 2

1. The total energy _________________ in 2000 was under 100 million tons. (consume)

2. _________________ are working closely with scientists in the fight against pollution. (ecology)

3. It was much later that people discovered that _________________ coffee could make a good drink. (grind)

4. We are looking for _________________ potential counterparts. (prospect)

5. Solar _________________ system allows children in rural areas to study in the evening. (light)

Xem đáp án

1. The total energy ______consumption___________ in 2000 was under 100 million tons. (consume)

2. ____Ecologists_____________ are working closely with scientists in the fight against pollution. (ecology)

3. It was much later that people discovered that _____ground____________ coffee could make a good drink. (grind)

4. We are looking for _______prospective__________ potential counterparts. (prospect)

5. Solar ______lighting___________ system allows children in rural areas to study in the evening. (light)

Fill in each gap with a suitable preposition

1. Zoology is more closely related___________biology than it is to botany.

2. Are you interested___________working with them?

3. I certainly hope that David is aware___________all the problems imvolved.

4. Mr. Minh is responsible___________hiring and firing employees.

5. Bred is capable___________doing better work than he’s doing at the present.

Đáp án

1. to

2. in

3. for

4. for

5. of

Reduce the relative clauses to participle phrases

1. I don’t like people who arrive late.

I …………………………………………………………………………………………..

2. I live in the house which was built a century ago.

I …………………………………………………………………………………………..

3. The people who work here are very interesting.

The ……………………………………………………………………………………….

4. The handkerchief which was embroidered by my sister was really beautiful.

The ………………………………………………………………………………………

5. I want you to meet the woman who taught me how to drive.

I …………………………………………………………………………………………….

6. Do you know the woman who is coming toward us?

Do …………………………………………………………………………………………

Đáp án

1. I don’t like people arriving late

2. I live in a house built a century ago

3. The people working here are very interesting

4. The handkerchief embroidered by my sister was really beautiful

5. I want you to meet the woman teaching me how to drive

6. Do you know the woman coming toward us?

Rewrite the following sentences, using infinitive phrase

1. We had a river in which we could swim.

We ………………………………………………………………………………………..

2. My brother is the only one that realized the danger.

My …………………………………………………………………………………………

3. He is always the first that comes and the last that goes.

He ………………………………………………………………………………………….

4. The Queen Elizabeth is the largest ship which has been built on the island.

The ……………………………………………………………………………………….

Đáp án

1. We had a river to swim in

2. My brother is the only one to realize the danger

3. He is always the first to come and the last to go

4. The Queen Elizabeth is the largest ship to be built on the island

Rewrite the following sentences, using relative clause

1. The last person to be interviewed yesterday was Jack.

The ……………………………………………………………………………………….

2. Valentine was the first woman to fly into space.

Valentine ………………………………………………………………………………..

3. The only person to remain in the classroom was Peter.

The ……………………………………………………………………………………….

4. Is there any place for us to stay tonight?

Is ………………………………………………………………………………………….

5. This is the second person to be killed in that way.

This ……………………………………………………………………………………….

Đáp án

1. The last person who was interviewed yesterday was Jack.

2. Valentine was the first woman who flew into space

3. The only person that remained in the classroom was Peter

4. Is there any place where we can stay tonight?

5. This is the second person who was killed in that way.

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