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Bài tập Because Because of lớp 9 có đáp án

Bài tập chuyển từ Because sang Because of lớp 9 có đáp án

Nằm trong bộ đề Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 9 theo chuyên đề, Bài tập chuyển từ Because sang Because of lớp 9 có đáp án giúp các em học sinh nắm chắc công thức Because, công thức Because of lớp 9 hiệu quả.

I. Lý thuyết chuyển đổi Cấu trúc Because & Because of

1. Because + S (pronoun) + be + adj …..

Because of + Possessive + Noun

Eg: Because she was ill, she couldn’t go to school

Because of her illness, she couldn’t go to school.

2. Because + S (noun) + be + adj …..

Because of + the + adj + Noun

Eg: Because the weather was hot, I couldn’t sleep well.

Because of the hot weather, I couldn’t sleep well.

3. Because + S (pronoun) + VERB + adv …..

Because of + Possessive + adj + Noun

Eg: Because she behaves well, everyone loves her.

Because of her good behavior, everyone loves her.

4. Because + (S+ have) THERE + BE + (a /an) + ADJ + NOUN

Because of + (a/an) + ADJ + Noun

5. Because + S (Pronoun) + TO BE + ADVERB + ADJ

Because of + Possessive + ADJ + Noun

Eg: Because she is extremely beautiful, everyone admires her.

Because of her extreme beauty, everyone admire her.

6. Because + S (Noun) + TO BE + V3

Because of + the Noun (V3) + of + Noun

7. Because + S (Noun) + VERB + (ADVERB)

Because of + a/ an/ the (ADJ) + NOUN + of + Noun (Noun)

Eg: Because this boy behaved kindly, I love him so much.

Because of the kind behavior of this boy, I love him so much.

8. Because + S1 (Noun/ Pronoun) + VERB+ O …., S2 +V2 +… (S1 # S2)

Because of + possessive + (not) Ving + O …., S2 +V2 +… (S1 # S2)

II. Bài tập chuyển đổi Because – Because of có đáp án

1. We arrived late because of the bad traffic.


2. She didn’t buy the house because the price was very high.


3. She only accepted the job because of the high salary.


4. We couldn’t sleep because the weather was hot.


5. Because of the World War II, women took over business for their absent husbands.


6. We didn’t go fishing because the water was rough.


7. She was very angry because he behaved very badly.


8. He couldn’t sleep because of his worries.


9. Because of driving too fast, he caused a serious accident.


10. I lost my way because the fog was thick.


11. He is tired because of staying up late last night.


12. We couldn’t read the sign on the building because the distance was so great.


13. She’ll never get success because she is impatient.


14. He’ll be sacked because he is often late for work.


15. Governments advise giving up smoking because of its harm for health.


16. They haven’t bought the house because its rooms are small.


17. He got bad marks because his answers were incomplete.


18. Maria couldn’t return home because of losing all her money.


19. Because of my friend’s absence, I have to copy the lesson for him.


20. A lot of people learn English because it is very important.


21. Tom is often punished because he is very lazy.


22. I was late because it rained heavily.


23. They turned the heating on because the weather was very cold.


24. She has to stay at home because of her sick mother.


Xem đáp án

1 – We arrived late because the traffic was bad.

2 – She didn’t buy the house because of the high price.

3 – Because the salary was high, she only accepted the job.

4 – We couldn’t sleep because of the hot weather.

5 – Because the World War II happened, women took over business for their absent husbands.

6 – We didn’t go fishing because of the rough water.

7 – She was very angry because of his bad behavior.

8 – He couldn’t sleep because he was worried.

9 – Because he drove too fast, he caused a serious accident.

10 – I lost my way because of the thick fog.

11 – He is tired because he stayed up late last night.

12 – We couldn’t read the sign on the building because of great distance.

13 – She’ll never get success because of her impatience.

14 – He’ll be sacked because of being often late for work.

15 – Governments advise giving up smoking because it is harm for health.

16 – Because of the small rooms, they haven’t bought the house.

17 – Because of incomplete answers, he got bad marks.

18 – Because Maria lost all her money, she couldn’t return home.

19 – Because my friend was absent, I have to copy the lesson for him.

20 – Because of the importance of English, a lot of people learn it

21 – Because of his laziness, Tom is often punished.

22 – Because of the heavy rain, I was late.

23 – Because of the cold weather, they turned the heating on.

24 – Because her mother is sick, she has to stay at home.

Fill in the blanks with “because” or “because of” to complete the sentences

1. Steven went to the shopping center last Sunday ___________ he needed a new laptop.

2. Pam and her parents want to visit the city zoo ___________ they want to see the baby panda.

3. More and more people get to work late every day ___________ the heavy traffic in the city center.

4. ___________ the water shortage in the dams this year, there will be frequent water cuts in this region of the country.

5. We have nowhere to sit and rest ___________ there aren’t any benches in the school garden.

Xem đáp án

1. Steven went to the shopping center last Sunday ______because_____ he needed a new laptop.

2. Pam and her parents want to visit the city zoo ______because_____ they want to see the baby panda.

3. More and more people get to work late every day ____because of_______ the heavy traffic in the city center.

4. ____Because of_______ the water shortage in the dams this year, there will be frequent water cuts in this region of the country.

5. We have nowhere to sit and rest _______becuase____ there aren’t any benches in the school garden.

Download toàn bộ nội dung bài tập và đáp án tại: Bài tập về Because & Because of trong tiếng Anh lớp 9 có đáp án. Mời bạn đọc tham khảo thêm nhiều tài liệu ôn tập tiếng Anh 9 cả năm khác như: Để học tốt Tiếng Anh lớp 9, Bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 9 theo từng Unit trực tuyến, Đề thi học kì 1 lớp 9, Đề thi học kì 2 lớp 9, Bài tập nâng cao Tiếng Anh 9,… được cập nhật liên tục trên

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