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Bài phát biểu tại hội nghị tổng kết công tác Mặt trận tổ quốc

Sample speech at the conference summarizing the work of the Front in 2022 would like to introduce to you the speech of the commune leaders at the conference summarizing the work of the Fatherland Front. The speech was aimed at assessing and summarizing the front work during the year, thereby giving directions and tasks for the next year.

Speech on Traditional Day of Civil Service Work 2022

Leader’s speech at the first semester closing ceremony

Speech summarizing the work of the Study Promotion Association


Dear delegates!

Overall Dear comrades!

In the joyful atmosphere of the Party Committee and people of all ethnic groups in the commune who are trying their best to successfully carry out the political and socio-economic tasks of the year…., today I am very pleased to attend the conference. summarizing the front work in 2022, deploying the direction and tasks for the year…. Attending the conference respectful greetings and best wishes.

We can be proud that, in such a difficult situation, the socio-economic situation of the commune is still stable and has made good progress; the infrastructure is more and more complete, the face of the commune is increasingly changing; Social security work has received special attention from Party committees, authorities, the Front and mass organizations, poverty reduction has achieved many results, the lives of policy beneficiaries and the majority of the people are basically stability; political security, social order and safety are maintained; Party building and government building have many clear and positive changes; political system from commune to residential area is increasingly solid; democracy in the society is promoted, political consensus among the people is increasing, the strength of the great unity bloc is constantly being consolidated and strengthened.

The results and achievements that the Party Committee and people of the commune have achieved over the years have been greatly contributed by the Front and its member organizations from communes to residential areas.

It can be seen that the most outstanding points of the Vietnam Fatherland Front in the past term are: In the process of organizing and performing tasks, it has always closely followed the guidelines and lines of the Party, policies and laws of the State. country, Resolution of the Commune Party Committee. Link the organization and implementation of the campaign “All people unite to build cultural life in residential areas”the movement “Day for the Poor”, campaign “Vietnamese people prioritize using Vietnamese goods” launched by the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front and emulation movements launched by the City and District Fronts with the task of socio-economic development, security and defense of the locality. The Front and its member organizations from communes to residential areas have been consolidated, consolidated, and have many innovations and creativity in methods of gathering, mobilizing people, and encouraging people of all strata to promote their traditions. patriotism of the nation, heroic tradition, actively responding to and participating in patriotic emulation movements. The Front and its member organizations have closely coordinated with the government to effectively implement social security work, especially taking care of the lives of policy families, reducing poor households, especially poor households, helping In 5 years, we have mobilized a fund for the poor of 400 million VND, with the support of the city and district, built 20 new houses and repaired 61 houses. for poor households, supporting many means of livelihood for poor households, helping hundreds of households to get out of poverty with a total amount of nearly one billion VND – this is a remarkable result. The Front and its member organizations have actively participated in building the Party, building the government, contributing to strengthening the flesh-and-blood relationship between the Party, the government and the people. The position of the Front is increasingly affirmed, its prestige in society is increasing, it deserves to be a part of the political system led by the Communist Party of Vietnam.

However, the Front’s work and activities in the past term still have limitations and weaknesses as stated in the Report. I believe that these limitations and weaknesses will be overcome in the next term.

On behalf of the Party Committee, the Commune People’s Committee, I would like to warmly welcome, respectfully praise and acknowledge the great contributions of the Front from the commune to the residential areas and of all classes of the people in the commune over the years.

On this occasion, on behalf of the Party Committee, authorities and people of the commune ……………., I would like to sincerely thank the leadership, direction, support, the city’s support, the direct leadership and direction of the District Party Committee, the District People’s Committee, the spiritual and material support of the Front, departments, district unions, agencies, units, enterprises in the commune to the commune ……………. over the years.

In order for the direction, tasks and unifying action program of the Commune Front in the coming term to come to life and achieve high results, on behalf of the Executive Committee of the Commune Party Committee, I would like to discuss with the Congress 5 issues: The following:

The first, Party committees at all levels, the Front, authorities, departments and mass organizations need to grasp more deeply the Party’s consistent view on great national unity, that is: Great national unity is the way strategy of the Vietnamese revolution and a decisive factor in ensuring the victory of the cause of national construction and defense. Using the goal of building a peaceful, independent, unified, territorial Vietnam, rich people, strong country, democracy, justice and civilization as the common point; remove guilt and prejudice about the past; uphold the national spirit, the tradition of humanity and tolerance to rally and unite people on the common front, and strengthen social consensus.

This is the task of the Party committees at all levels and the whole political system, of all cadres and party members, for the sake of gathering, uniting the people, propagating the Party’s guidelines, policies and laws. of the State to the people and people’s organizations to implement is the common responsibility of the whole political system, of all cadres and party members, but the main responsibility lies with the Front at all levels and those in charge of public affairs. Front Work.

In order to perform this task well, the Commune Front must continue to be more innovative, dynamic and creative in terms of operation methods, propaganda and mobilization of the people in order to consolidate and expand the mass block. unite the whole people, promote the strength of solidarity in each neighborhood group, each residential area, forming the strength of consensus, of the general solidarity block in the whole commune to build a commune. ……… increasingly developed, contributing to the construction of Thanh Khe district, Da Nang city becoming more and more civilized, rich and beautiful, contributing to the successful implementation of the cause of industrialization and modernization of the land. Party-led country.

Monday, the organization and implementation of campaigns and unified action programs of the Front must be concentrated in residential areas and must be suitable to the actual situation of each residential area; promoting patriotic emulation movements, creating equality in all residential areas. However, quality and efficiency must be the top priority, not ostentatious, not chasing after achievements, all activities of the Front are aimed at the common goal of building each comprehensively strong residential area. economy, politics, security, national defense, cultural and spiritual life of the people. In order to do this well, it is required that the Standing Committee of the Commune Environmental Committee and the Front Working Committee in the residential areas must be very dynamic, creative and must have a high sense of responsibility.

Tuesday, the Front must perform well its role as the center and focal point of member organizations, unite and gather member organizations; must have close relations with member organizations, understand the functions, tasks and work programs of each member organization, promote the creativity of member organizations, support member organizations activities in order to well implement the unified action program of the Front. At the same time, through its member organizations, the Front captures the thoughts, aspirations, suggestions and recommendations of its members, union members and people to promptly settle or propose competent authorities to settle. In short, in order to perform well the work of gathering and uniting the entire people, the Front must first practice, unite and unite its member organizations. This is the responsibility of the Standing Committee of the Commune Front and the Working Committee of the Residential Front.

WednesdayIn the current situation of conflicting opinions and different ideological flows in society, the Front must strengthen and renew the propaganda of the Party’s guidelines, policies, and laws. of the State suitable to each object to improve the quality and effectiveness of propaganda; must regularly grasp public opinion, people’s mood, especially sensitive socio-political issues, promptly orient public opinion, not to let bad people take advantage of distort, incite and manipulate; resolutely defend the views, lines and guidelines of the Party and State. In the immediate future, in the year…, the Front needs to focus on propagandizing the Constitution of the year… among the people of all strata, creating a unity of awareness and a high consensus in society. ; propagandize and mobilize people to well perform 3 tasks assigned to the commune in the heart of the district, which are: Restoring the order of sidewalks on all roads in the area, building landscape and environment on Ha Huy Tap route , Dien Bien Phu; complete construction of residential clusters that are safe in terms of fire prevention and fighting; complete the collection of road maintenance fees for cars and motorbikes.

Thursday, on the roles and responsibilities of officials working on the Front. This is an important issue that determines the outcome of the Front’s work. In the current social situation with many complicated developments, especially in terms of ideology, awareness, desire to gather, unite, strengthen political consensus among the people, bring into play the strength of the people, the Front’s cadres, especially key cadres and full-time cadres, must understand deeply and firmly grasp the Party’s guidelines, policies and laws of the State in order to properly and fully disseminate and propagate; must have strong political will to participate in social criticism, correct misperceptions, fight against and prevent negative manifestations, and oppose distorting claims of hostile forces and agents. association, reactionary; must have skills in propagating and mobilizing the people, implementing “skillful mass mobilization”; must wholeheartedly, wholeheartedly with the assigned work, have high responsibility to the people; must be proactive, dynamic and creative in the organization of task performance; Must have prestige among the people to be believed, loved, supported by the people, told the people to listen, shouted to the people to respond, and followed by the people. To do so, Front cadres, especially key cadres, must be exemplary, constantly study and practice, stick to reality, be close to the people, kill the people, understand the people, respect the people, and promote their mastery of the people.

I believe that those elected by the Congress to be elected to the Commune Environmental Committee for the next term will perform well their roles and responsibilities, worthy of the trust of the Party committees at all levels and of the people in the commune.

Dear delegates!

The success of today’s Congress is very important. But most importantly, the results of the implementation of the directions, tasks, and the Unified Action Program of the Front in the coming term were unanimously approved by the Congress. This is a measure to assess the sense of responsibility, capacity and qualifications of Front officials from communes to residential areas.

However, in order for the Commune Front and the Neighborhood Front Working Committee to successfully complete their tasks, I suggest that the Party Committees of the Party cells, the Commune People’s Committees, departments and mass organizations pay more attention to leadership. direct, coordinate, support, help. I also hope that the Front, departments and unions of the city and district often pay attention to monitor, support and help the Commune Front ……………. fulfill their roles and responsibilities well.

Above, has just sent to readers the article Speech at the conference summarizing the work of the Fatherland Front. We hope that you will find useful information in this article.

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