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How to choose Buddha’s hand to worship for fortune – Tips on how to choose Buddha’s hand This is an article to help you know how to choose the beautiful Buddha’s hands displayed on the fruit tray, preserve the Buddha’s hand for the most durable. We invite you to consult to know more about the tips of choosing a beautiful Buddha hand, generating fortune to worship ancestors today.

1. What is the fruit of a Buddha’s hand?

Buddha’s hand is a fruit, shaped like a Buddha’s hand, scientific name is Citrus medica var. sarcodactylis and belongs to the genus Citrus. Buddha’s hand is native to China and Japan, it is also commonly grown in Vietnam.

Buddha’s Hand belongs to a small woody tree that can grow to 2-2.5m and has stiff, pointed and short branches. The leaves are large, oblong and light green. Flowers bloom 2-3 times per year, white but slightly burgundy on the outer edge of the petals, often in clusters and fragrant. Ripe fruit is golden yellow, the fingers of the Buddha’s hand sometimes contain a little acidic fruit, even the Buddha’s hand may not have any water and seeds.

Buddha’s hand grows best in temperate climates, but is sensitive to dew and intense sun as well as dry weather.

2. The Origin of Buddha’s Hand

How to choose a buddha

According to research, the Buddha’s hand tree was brought by Buddhists from India to China and then introduced into Vietnam. The tree that produces this strange fruit was previously only grown in high mountain areas such as Tuyen Quang and Yen Bai, but now it is also grown in many other places, especially in Dac So commune (Hoai Duc, Hanoi).

Buddha’s hand fruit has many sizes, when ripe, the skin is yellow, rough, and fragrant. But the most amazing thing about it is the long small “fingers” that remind people of the Buddha’s hand. In addition to burning incense, the Buddha’s hand fruit can also be used as medicine, jam, candle…

Currently, there have appeared many places selling very precious bonsai trees. According to feng shui, when leaving this plant in the house will help the owner welcome guests, attract luck, bring prosperity and fortune continuously.

3. Meaning of Buddha’s Hand

According to the analysis of Dr. Nguyen Van Vinh (Deputy Director of the Institute of Educational Technology), this fruit has a Buddhist meaning. From the appearance, the Buddha’s hand fruit looks like a lotus (spiritual symbol). In addition, it is similar to “Buddha’s fingers”, the fingers are extended, slightly curved, bunched like a flower.

This fruit in spiritual life carries a noble image, bringing peace and blessings to the owner. Therefore, families often choose Buddha’s hand to display offerings on Tet holiday with the wish of a peaceful, happy and prosperous new year. In addition, according to the old concept, the aroma of this fruit also has a seductive effect, staying in the house longer, helping to bless the family with both fortune and health.

Thus, although humans are not directly edible like other fruits, Buddha’s hand is used to burn incense with spiritual meaning, bearing the characteristics of Buddhism. Because of that true meaning, each family should depend on their own circumstances to decide whether to worship Buddha’s hand fruit or not.

Not only waiting until Tet, but Buddha’s hand is sold all year round and is always as expensive as hot cakes. On the first day, the full moon day and other holidays, people are used to buying Buddha’s hand and displaying it on the altar.

In the last days of this year, many people hunt for Buddha’s hand with beautiful shape and high value to give as gifts or simply display on the five-fruit tray on Tet holiday.

Buddha’s hand fruit in addition to the meaning of spiritual worship, they are also used by many people to buy Buddha’s hand to make medicine, such as using Buddha’s hand soaked with honey to cure coughs or making jam…

Telling you how to choose Buddha to worship for the whole year

4. How to choose a beautiful Buddha hand

With the Buddha’s hand, the concept of different regions will have different bad and beautiful conceptions:

  • For the North: The favorite fruit of Buddha’s hand is a large fruit with long pointed and spread fingers, symbolizing the characteristics of northerners who want to reach out and grow stronger.
  • Southern: For people in the South, they are different from the North in that they often like big, long and folded fruits, symbolizing protection and sustainability in preserving their family’s wealth.
  • Central: For people in the Central region, it is quite similar to the South, but because they often have small altars, they often prefer smaller fruits. There are no pests or rust on the pods. The peel is bright, bright green or bright yellow.

However, in order to choose the Buddha’s hand to worship to bring fortune and help the owner to prosper for the whole year, they are carefully selected according to the principles below. We invite you to take a look at:

Choose Buddha with many ears

Beautiful Buddha hand fruit must have many fingers, usually each fruit has 20-30 fingers. The radiating fingers are arranged in many rings like a flower, the finger of the outermost ring that coincides with the beautiful numbers will be valuable. When choosing to buy a Buddha hand, you should choose a large fruit, the more fingers of the Buddha’s hand, the longer and fatter, the fingers are even. You should also pay attention to choose fruit with smooth skin, slightly yellowish color is old fruit to be longer and more fragrant.

Follow the rule of “Thien – Sudden – Bi – Thai”

Telling you how to choose Buddha to worship for the whole year

Buddhist players often count the fingers of the fruit, but when counting must follow the rule: Thinh – Suu – Bi – Thai. That is, counting the fingers in turn according to the 4 words above, repeating, the last candle that falls on the word Thinh or Thai is very precious. Fruits like these are often very expensive, about tens of millions of dollars a fruit, because a garden of thousands of fruits can only get 1 or 2 fruits.

Nice fruit shape

Avoid buying fruit that is scratched, chipped, crushed or broken. Do not choose young Buddha hands even though they are also yellow, but they spoil very quickly. A mature Buddha’s hand has round, evenly spaced essential oil bags, plump, and the surface of the fruit is solid and hard.

Telling you how to choose Buddha to worship for the whole year

Preserving Buddha’s Hand

After buying the Buddha’s hand, you can dilute the dishwashing liquid and then use a paint brush to gently wash the Buddha’s hand (or wipe it with white wine) to remove the red spiders that are often found on the fruit and other impurities. Pay special attention to avoid scratching the fruit, which will cause the fruit to rot quickly.

Put the Buddha’s hand in a glass with water to offer, after 15 -30 days the stem will take root, this root will have the effect of absorbing water to raise the fruit, use and preserve the best can last up to 4 or 5 months.

To avoid rapid deterioration of Buddha’s hand, do not wash or soak Buddha’s hand in salt solution. Because when water stagnates in the crevices of the fruit, it is easy to create a humid environment for the Buddha fungus to develop, destroy the pods, and cause rotting. You should only use a damp cloth.

When placed on the altar, you can put a bowl of water, add a few B1 pills, then put the Buddha’s hand in the bowl of water to help the Buddha’s hand stay fresh for a long time.

The effect of Buddha’s hand fruit

The fruit of the Buddha’s hand is very meaningful in addition to the meaning of spiritual worship. Buddha’s hand fruit is also used to make medicine, such as using Buddha’s hand soaked with honey to treat cough very well or making jam. Therefore, although the price of this fruit is quite high, sometimes up to several million, it still sells well.

>>> The healing effect of Buddha’s hand

5. How to display a tray of fruits to worship ancestors, the god of wealth, and the earth

During special holidays and Tet, most families in Vietnam will have a five-fruit tray to worship ancestors, to worship the gods of Tai, and Tho Dia. There are many different ways to display the five-fruit tray, but the traditional way or the five-element layout is still the most favorite among Vietnamese people.

The traditional way of displaying the five-fruit tray of the Northern people will usually be a bunch of green bananas placed at the bottom, in the middle is a grapefruit or a Buddha’s hand, and then surrounded by other fruits such as kumquats, tangerines, apples, etc. Chili… But Southerners hate bananas, so they often display 5 kinds of fruits: custard apple, figs, coconuts, papayas, and mangoes, symbolizing the desire to “have enough to eat”, then put the Buddha’s hand on top. the top and middle position of the five-fruit tray. The traditional five-fruit tray of the Central region is also quite simple with pineapple (or Buddha’s hand) placed at the top, surrounded by mangoes, dragon fruit and apples, grapes placed horizontally and tangerines displayed around.

In addition, today, many families choose to display the five-fruit tray according to feng shui and five elements to pray for fortune for the family. People will often choose 5 fruits corresponding to the five elements Kim – Wood – Water – Fire – Earth, symbolizing the five blessings including: Wealth, luxury, long life, health, and peace. The Buddha’s hand is often chosen to represent the Golden element because of its beautiful golden color, the Fire element uses red fruits such as pink and dragon fruit. To represent the Onion of Moc, there are papaya, green banana, coconut, watermelon… to represent the onion of Tho, you should choose mango, grapefruit, orange… and for Thuy, you can use dark fruits such as grapes. , blueberry…

If you use the Buddha’s hand to display the altar and want to keep it for a long time, you should use white wine to wipe the outer skin of the fruit, then place it on the altar of the ancestors or next to the wine cup.

6. Other fruits on the five-fruit tray

In addition to worshiping the Buddha’s hand, the following fruits are also used to worship or display the five-fruit tray on Tet holiday.

1. Apples

In feng shui, apples represent peace and harmony. This fruit is also popular because its red color carries auspicious meanings.

2. Oranges

Oranges are one of the most popular fruits for families when making offerings to the altar. Oranges are considered to send prayers about luck and success.

3. Bananas

Banana means “to attract”. Therefore, it is also often used for worship. However, if going to the grave or in the month of the spirit, the family should avoid using bananas to avoid “welcoming” uninvited guests.

4. Melon

Round melons symbolize family unity, so they are suitable for ancestor worship. Displaying melons on the altar implies the desire for everything to be complete, complete, and unified.

5. Pineapple

In Chinese, pineapple sounds like “luck comes your way”, so pineapple has become a traditional feng shui symbol for wealth and good luck. When moving house, it is one of the necessary fruits to prepare.

6. Peach

Pink peaches have long been considered a delicacy of the gods. Displaying peaches on the altar implies asking for health, endurance, and longevity.

7. Grapefruit

In Chinese, the word “grapefruit” is pronounced the same as “son”. Therefore, people often display pomelos to ask for blessings for their children.

8. Pomegranate

The inside of the pomegranate is filled with seeds, symbolizing fertility. Like pomelo, pomegranate means praying for descendants.

>> Details: 15 kinds of fruit that bring fortune and luck should be displayed on the altar during Tet


Thus, Tip has clearly stated the meaning of the Buddha’s hand on New Year’s Day, how to choose and buy a beautiful Buddha’s hand, how to preserve the beautiful Buddha’s hand for a long time, etc. to its readers. This will be a tip to choose a beautiful Buddha hand, to generate fortune to worship ancestors on holidays and Tet. Hope you will get more useful information for yourself.

In addition to instructions on how to choose a beautiful Buddha hand, Tip also wants to introduce you to other good articles related to the Lunar New Year:

  • Outdoor New Year’s Eve Offering
  • New Year’s Eve Prayer In The House
  • New Year’s Eve Prayer
  • How to display the five-fruit tray in accordance with traditional customs
  • Vow to the ancestors on the 1st and full moon
  • All tips for choosing fresh fruits for Tet
  • Choose flowers and ornamental plants on Tet holiday to bring good luck and fortune into the house
  • Mistakes to avoid when presenting a five-fruit tray on Tet

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